North-East Atlantic governments delay protection of species at risk of extinction

Oceana is outraged that governments have refused to expand the OSPAR list of threatened and declining species and habitats, thus further delaying the protection of declining ecosystems and species at risk of extinction in the North-East Atlantic. The Convention meeting held in Trondheim (Norway) concluded yesterday, with countries agreeing on few actions to improve either … Read more

North-East Atlantic threatened species left in the lurch

North-East Atlantic countries have adopted recommendations for the management of four threatened species and habitats: blue mussel beds, allis shad, sea lamprey and Azorean limpet. The decisions were taken at the annual meeting of the OSPAR Commission, which closed on Friday in Ostend (Belgium), and will finally extend protection to these vulnerable animals, which have … Read more

Predicting Coral Gardens habitats in the Southwest coast of Portugal

Coral gardens are vulnerable and sensitive habitats protected by the OSPAR Commission. Knowledge on their distribution is essential to provide protection and integration in marine protected areas and also for marine spatial planning actions. In the southwest coast of Portugal deep water coral gardens (50-80m) are characterized by several gorgonians species such as Paramuricea clavata … Read more

OCEANA alerts that EU is turning blind eye to swordfish overfishing

EU maintains inaction despite accounting for 90% of the fleet responsible. Oceana, the international marine conservation organisation, has sounded the alarm today on the European Union’s reluctance to take measures for the recovery of Mediterranean swordfish. According to an assessment carried out by scientists earlier this year, the stock is overfished; it has declined steeply … Read more

Photos: Oceana Launches Expedition to El Hierro Island and Atlantic Seamounts

Earlier this week, Oceana in Europe launched their second expedition to the Canary Islands. This expedition focuses on the waters around the island of El Hierro, which is expected to become the first marine national park in Spain. This one-month campaign aims to map seamounts north of Lanzarote, the easternmost Canary Island, and around Sahara, … Read more

Oceana says EU should act against true ‘walls of death’

Driftnet fishing for large pelagic species is banned due to high by-catch rates of endangered species. Today, the European Commission announced its proposal to ban all types of driftnets from operating in European waters. The measure is aimed at eliminating alleged loopholes that allow illegal fishing with driftnets to continue. However, according to Oceana, the … Read more