Oceana’s protection proposal MedNet, presented to South Mediterranean countries

Oceana has been invited by the European Commission’s IMP-Med project to present its proposal for a MedNet network of Marine Protected Areas for the countries on the Mediterranean Sea’s southern and eastern shores. The Oceana project would make it possible to protect more than 10% of the Mediterranean, the minimum established by the United Nations … Read more

MPA Network Proposal for the Mediterranean Sea (English / Français)

In this document Oceana reviews the current state of regional protection initiatives in the Mediterranean Basin and presents a varied proposal for the protection of marine areas which it considers essential for maintaining a balance in the Mediterranean Basin and achieving good environmental status. The objective of the aforementioned proposal is to contribute to the … Read more

We need your help

So here’s the deal: Oceana is participating in a contest hosted by National Geographic Germany – and we need your help for a chance to win €30,000 for our work to protect the Balearic Seamounts. Since some of you may not speak German, we thought we’d give you a quick rundown of what you need … Read more

Meet: Sea Slugs and Oceana MedNet

Bet you never thought a sea slug could ever be stunning. This photo of a nudibranch (or sea slug) was taken during one of our expeditions in the Mediterranean off the coast of Alicante, Spain. Every time we send our photographers into the depths, we are amazed at the incredible diversity of marine organisms they … Read more