Oceana brings MedNET proposal to Albania

Oceana last week presented MedNet, a proposal for a network of 100 marine protected areas in the Mediterranean, to the scientific community at the International Conference on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems, MarCoastEcos2012. The conference addressed the protection of marine and coastal areas, and other important issues related to the preservation of ecosystem functioning, climate change, … Read more

New black coral species found?

Oceana’s expedition to the southeast Spanish coast, in the Almeria region, had an unexpected outcome. Using a submarine robot, we recorded more than 50 species along the Abubacer ridge, but one of them in particular, made quite an impression: an unidentified black coral. It could be a species new to science and, at the moment, … Read more

The potential environmental impact of the Costa Concordia wreck

Amidst the heartbreaking news surrounding the deadly capsizing of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, another issue is beginning to emerge – that of the potential environmental impact the wreckage may have on the marine ecosystems. What is particularly concerning is that the ship capsized right next to the largest Italian National Park – an ecological … Read more

Hydrocarbons exploration in Italy threatens ecosystems in the Adriatic and the Strait of Sicily

Oceana is alarmed at recent developments in the exploitation of hydrocarbon resources along the Italian coastline that jeopardize the integrity of fragile marine ecosystems and the livelihood of coastal populations. The international marine conservation organization urges Corrado Clini, the newly appointed Minister of the Environment, and the Italian government to stop new offshore hydrocarbon leasing … Read more

Fishing in the Balearic Islands: Artisanal vs. Trawling

The Balearic Islands have a long history of artisanal fishing. Apart from being a way to make a livelihood, this activity also represents a rich cultural tradition that distinguishes these islands from elsewhere. Unfortunately, overfishing among other factors, has led to a sharp decline in artisanal fishing in this archipelago. Pressure from industrial bottom trawlers, … Read more

Oceana Applauds ICCAT Decision to Protect Vulnerable Silky Sharks

ISTANBUL – Oceana, the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans, applauded the 22nd Regular Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) today for establishing new protections for silky sharks, the shark species most vulnerable to overfishing by Atlantic longline fisheries. The new measure requires that … Read more

Oceana’s protection proposal MedNet, presented to South Mediterranean countries

Oceana has been invited by the European Commission’s IMP-Med project to present its proposal for a MedNet network of Marine Protected Areas for the countries on the Mediterranean Sea’s southern and eastern shores. The Oceana project would make it possible to protect more than 10% of the Mediterranean, the minimum established by the United Nations … Read more