El Calón

After sailing all night, we start the day on the coast of Almería, in the Golfo de Vera. We get ready to work in a seagrass meadow of mixed phanerogams (Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa). On our first dive we concentrate on the deepest zone (at about 25 meters), where there is an interesting seafloor. … Read more

Isla de las Palomas

We left the La Manga area of the Mar Menor in the early hours of the morning so as to arrive at dawn at the next point where we will dive: Isla de las Palomas. This is a small island south-west of Cartagena that has been declared a Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA). However, … Read more

Isla de las Palomas

This morning we brought divers to the Isla de las Palomas (Island of Doves). I stayed on Ranger where Carlos put me on a bubble-watching mission. While diving you breathe in air from your tank that later is exhaled to rise to the surface. A group of four or five divers emits a steady stream … Read more

Mar Menor

Yesterday was a day of testing. We worked out how to make the best use of the grids, rulers and other equipment that we have with us on board to assess the density of plants and marine algae on the sea floor. In the process, we also tested the coordination between all the team members. … Read more

Mar Menor

Last night we laid anchor outside of the Mar Menor (minor sea) and this morning we passed through a drawbridge and into this unusual world unto itself. In the weightless air of early morning we moved ahead into emerald waters and thousands, actually more like MILLIONS of jellyfish. We lined up along the front railing … Read more


25 July Yesterday I arrived in Valencia with the extreme good fortune to be able to join the Ranger. At this moment we are still in port and it sounds like we will be departing this afternoon. Everyone is quietly busy in their own way getting ready to leave, to take care of themselves in … Read more


Mud and sand. That is what we are looking for. The sea floors made up of fine sediment are usually forgotten by marine conservationists and considered “dispensable” when discussing underwater sewage pipeline installations, high-impact fishing methods or any other activity that is considered necessary but damaging. These marine “deserts” are not as popular as rocky … Read more

Placer de la Barra Alta

“Placer de la Barra Alta” is the strange name given to a small hillock measuring 60-70 meters in height located a few miles west-southwest of the Columbretes Islands. It rises from a flat sea floor at 80 meters and some of its peaks rise up to just 9 meters below the surface. It is not … Read more

Last day in Columbretes

Today is our third and last day in Columbretes. We will concentrate on the exterior west section of Isla Grossa. The wall is more prominent here and thanks to this, there are many communities of sponges and corals, such as scleractinian and stoloniferous corals. There is also more movement and currents in this area and, … Read more

On Ferrera Island

We have spent the night anchored in the crater of the volcano that “gave birth” to Isla Grossa. During the night, the petrels give us a concert with their distinctive chants: the sounds they make are like a baby crying. Luckily, at night the temperature has been more mild, compared to the intolerable heat we … Read more