10 facts you might not know about Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

The combined size of the world’s MPAs exceeds the size of Europe. While that might sound like a very large area, the MPAs in fact cover less than 3 percent of the world’s oceans according to IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature). Only around 1 percent of the world’s oceans are closed to fishing … Read more

The Oceana Ranger documents critical habitats in the Mediterranean in order to argue for their protection by the European Union

The research catamaran of the international organisation for marine conservation, Oceana, is at this moment sailing in the Gulf of Genoa, where it is filming the ecosystems of the sea bottom. The aim is to document the state of conservation of a number of habitats which the organisation would like to see included in the … Read more

Important decision of the Spanish Government to protect mediterranean marine habitats

The new Ministerial Order, which establishes an Integral Fisheries Management Plan for the Mediterranean Sea, includes for the first time the protection of habitats of great importance in the Mediterranean against the impact of bottom trawling, purse-seining and drag nets. Up until now, only the marine phanerogam Posidonia oceanica enjoyed this protection, but with the … Read more

The Coiba National Park, declared a world heritage site by UNESCO

During the stopover of the Ranger catamaran at Cocos Island (Costa Rica)  and Coiba (Panama), Oceana divers worked alongside  the MarViva Foundation in this natural reserve. The Coiba National Park (Panama), which forms part of the Meso-American Biological Corridor, together with the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, Gorgona and Malpelo in Colombia, and Cocos Island in … Read more

Former OAS chief joins Oceana Board

WASHINGTON _  Former Colombian President César Gaviria, whose 10-year leadership of the Organization of American States (OAS) revitalized that hemispheric institution, today joined the fight for healthy seas around the world by becoming a member of the Board of Directors of Oceana, the only international conservation group solely dedicated to ocean protection. “As Arvid Pardo, … Read more

Meet the Spiny Seastar

We thought it was high time to bring back a Friday tradition we started a while ago, to introduce our readers to some interesting sea creatures. This week, we are featuring the spiny sea star (Marthaasterias glacialis). Sea stars belong to the Echinodermata phylum, which also includes sea urchins, sea cucumbers and brittle stars. Most … Read more

Breaking the law

So there you are in your car on the highway, blasting Creedence on the stereo, wind in your hair. Everybody’s speeding a little bit; you just go with the flow. Then all of a sudden a police car shows up and instantly the average speed drops about 20 km/per hour. Have you thought about how … Read more

Oceana proposes to increase protected marine surface of Baltic Sea to 20%

All proposed areas include vulnerable, threatened or declining species or communities which  need immediate protection. Oceana is proposing new marine protected areas (MPAs) in order to enhance the status of the Baltic Sea, and improve the condition of its badly disturbed ecosystems. The twelve areas proposed are located in the waters of Denmark, Finland, Sweden, … Read more

Alexandra Cousteau will visit Cabrera to support the enlargement of the National Park

Oceana proposes multiplying by 10 the protected surface, including sensitive habitats and endangered species that lie beyond the park boundaries. Alexandra Cousteau, Jacques Cousteau’s granddaughter and an Oceana advisor, has travelled to the Balearics to support the proposal for the enlargement of the Cabrera National Park. The visit will take place 36 years after the … Read more

Taming the high seas

“The high seas” – Just the term evokes the idea of a wild and lawless ocean that spans as far as the eye can see… and pirates (or is that just me?).    The truth is not so far from this. You see, the high-seas fall beyond national jurisdiction and are “governed” by a series of … Read more