Risk assessment and control of IUU fishing for the marine insurance industry

Guidelines to control or mitigate the risk of insuring vessels and companies associated with illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing—also known as pirate fishing—is an unresolved and internationally pervasive problem, costing the global economy tens of billions of USD dollars annually.1 Those that participate in IUU fishing break or … Read more

Building a GFCM framework to combat IUU fishing

Monitor, control and surveillance are crucial to ensure proper fisheries management and to rebuild stocks, in particular in the Mediterranean Sea, where 80% of the stocks are considered to be outside biologically safe limits. The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) has taken significant steps in the last years towards reversing this situation, including … Read more

Mediterranean Sea at Risk

The Mediterranean Sea, or Mare Nostrum, is one of the world’s most important seas. Located between Africa, Asia and Europe, it is also a primary trade route given its strategic — and geopolitically — important location. Within the coastal region, the people inhabiting the area have had centuries of interactions with the marine environment. Extensive … Read more

Gesunde Fischgründe sind gut für’s Geschäft

Der Bericht von Oceana analysiert die für Deutschland 44 kommerziell wichtigsten Arten in Bezug auf Handelswert und Anlandungen, die zusammen 75% der deutschen Gesamtfangmenge ausmachen. Eine nachhaltige Fischereiwirtschaft in den nächsten zehn Jahren hat folgendes Potential: • Die Fangmenge könnte sich um 72.000 Tonnen (+44%) erhöhen. • Der Wert der Anlandungen könnte um 68 Millionen … Read more

Fisheries Restricted Areas

Fisheries Restricted Areas (FRAs) are spatial management measures adopted under the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean and Black Sea (GFCM) to regulate or restrict demersal fisheries in the high seas. Since 2006, a total of six FRAs have been established in the GFCM area, each under different management objectives. Three were established to protect … Read more

The impact of the EU IUU Regulation on seafood trade flows – Highlights

How has the EU action against illegal fishing changed our seafood trade flows? And what do these trade patterns tell us? Just over 10 years ago, it was estimated1 that 500,000 tonnes of illegally caught seafood products were entering our EU markets every year. An illicit activity valued at EUR 1.1 billion that was not only damaging local communities and … Read more

The impact of the EU IUU Regulation on seafood trade flows

A core aim of the European Union’s (EU) Regulation to end illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing – Regulation (EC) No. 1005/2008 – is to prevent, deter and eliminate trade in fisheries products deriving from IUU fishing into the EU. Prior to the adoption of the IUU Regulation in 2008, approximately 500,000 tonnes of illegal … Read more