
The waters within Portugal’s EEZ have few marine protected areas (MPAs), and those that do exist are small and cover only coastal areas and as such, many species and habitats of great ecological importance remain unprotected. Only in the case of Ilhas Berlengas, is an area further off the coast protected, but it focuses on … Read more

Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Over 50% of Europe’s territory is covered by sea, but Europe’s marine environment is highly threatened by both pollution and the dramatic loss of marine species and habitats. The June 2008 Marine Strategy Framework Directive is the first EU binding law designed to make a significant contribution to the preservation, protection and restoration of marine ecosystems, including … Read more

Natura 2000 Network

These protected areas constitute the Natura 2000 Network. In the first stage, Member States nominate protection areas, known as Sites of Community Importance (SCIs), which are thus subject to a preventive protection regime. Afterwards, in a maximum period of 6 years, the corresponding management plans must be drawn up and, once they are ready, the … Read more

Marine Protected Areas

    Banning bottom trawling in Europe’s marine protected areas An area one third of Europe’s continent is impacted by trawling in European waters every year. Bottom-towed gear is widely used in the EU, including inside marine protected areas, with some studies indicating a higher intensity of trawling inside than outside designated areas. Indeed, a … Read more

2016 Key Priorities. 18th Session of the GFCM Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)

Despite being the oldest RFMO operating worldwide, GFCM assessments continuously depict an alarming picture of Mediterranean stocks which suggests a lack of effective and enforced fisheries management. Oceana calls upon the 18th session of the SAC to apply the best available scientific advice to halt overfishing and the continuing deterioration of fishing resources and the … Read more

Where do European Vessels Fish?

European vessels have been fi shing in the world’s oceans ever since the fi rst pioneering English, French, Spanish and Portuguese fi shermen crossed the Atlantic to fi nd cod off the Canadian coast in the early sixteenth century. It is estimated that 28% of the fi sh caught by EU vessels for human consumption … Read more

Mediterranean Sea. A key EU fishing region in a bleak state of overfishing

Overfishing in the Mediterranean Sea began around the ‘70s, when fishing effort increased considerably thanks to technological developments that allowed fleets to fish farther, deeper and find catches more easily. Latest assessments of the situation in the Mediterranean, revealed that 96% of stocks fished exclusively by EU countries are overexploited above what is considered sustainable … Read more

Oceana proposal for a Marine Protected Area. The Sound – 2016

The Sound is located between Sweden and Denmark, and forms, together with Little Belt and Great Belt, a connection between the brackish Baltic Sea and the saltier North Sea via Kattegat and Skagerrak. In 1932, a bottom trawling ban was established in the Sound because of heavy traffic in the narrow strait. The ban, which … Read more

The EU IUU Regulation

The EU IUU RegulationBuilding on successEU progress in the global fight against illegal fishing IUU fishing is one of the main impediments to the achievement of legal and sustainable world fisheries at a time of mounting threats to marine biodiversity and food security. IUU fishing contributes to overexploitation of fish stocks and undermines the recovery … Read more