European Parliament discards the phase out of destructive fishing practices

After 16 months of deliberations, the European Parliament has agreed on new management measures for deep-sea fisheries. Oceana regrets that a key conservation measure, namely the phase out of bottom trawling and gillnets, which constitute the most destructive and non-selective fishing practices there are, was rejected by only 16 votes. “We are deeply disappointed that … Read more

Oceana calls on EU Fisheries Ministers to catch up on deep-sea protection

Oceana calls on EU Fisheries Ministers to match the efforts made by the European Commission and the European Parliament to address the critical situation of the North-East Atlantic deep-sea. The plenary of the Parliament will vote on a new regulation for deep-sea fisheries on December 10, prior to reaching an agreement with the Council of … Read more

Oceana: EU Parliament votes for deep-sea fisheries management reform but falls short of prohibiting destructive fishing

Oceana applauds the adoption of a broad set of measures to strengthen deep-sea fisheries management in the North-East Atlantic Ocean, today by the European Parliament Fisheries Committee. Among the adopted amendments are those within a package of political compromises that were carefully negotiated by MEP Kriton Arsenis, which would introduce: a stronger scientific basis for … Read more

Oceana calls on European Parliament to reform deep-sea fisheries management

Oceana urges the European Parliament Fisheries Committee to vote today in favour of strong management measures for North-East Atlantic deep-sea fisheries, to end overfishing and protect vulnerable marine ecosystems. EU deep-sea fisheries in this region are currently managed under weak legislation from 2002, which has left many stocks overfished and ecosystems such as deep-sea corals … Read more

The European Commission has initiated infringement proceeding against seven EU members states for non-respect of bluefin tuna rules

The announcement follows last week’s Commission decision to close this fishery to conserve stocks. The Commission made public this morning that it has opened infringement proceedings against 7 EU countries for failing in their legal obligation to properly send bluefin tuna catch data. Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain could eventually face severe … Read more

Sharks threatened by European Parliament finning report

The international marine conservation organization Oceana has released a report aimed at European Union (EU) Members of Parliament (Euro MPs) to express its concern about a decision that will be taken in the European Parliament (EP) Committee on Fisheries on August 28th that could support the killing of millions of sharks each year. Oceana calls … Read more

Oceana applauds EU proposal for biodiversity conservation in the high seas

This Tuesday, the European Union (EU) and its Member States submitted a proposal to the United Nations (UN) to start an international process to conserve marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Oceana, which has worked for years on the conservation and protection of deep-sea habitats and species, welcomes the EU initiative to tackle the … Read more