Legacy: EU Policy
EU nature law could be gamechanger for marine biodiversity, but will be meaningless if fisheries not properly addressed – NGO reaction
Today, the European Commission presented its legislative proposal on nature restoration, a new law with binding targets to restore degraded land and marine ecosystems across the EU. This is a major milestone to tackle the current biodiversity and climate crises and restore a healthy relationship between people and nature. We welcome the long-awaited publication of … Read more
European environmental organisations call for a ban on destructive fishing practices in Marine Protected Areas
Just after the UK’s announcement to protect two areas of English waters by banning damaging fishing activities such as bottom trawling, it will be the European Parliament’s turn to show how ambitious it truly is in protecting EU waters. During the first week of May in Strasbourg, members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will have … Read more
AGRIFISH: Some Baltic fish still in crisis as the EU starts to consider ecosystem impacts
Following the EU AGRIFISH Council press conference today, NGOs expressed disappointment that Member State fisheries ministers again haggled all night to raise Baltic fishing limits for 2022 above the European Commission’s proposal and against the clear scientific advice aimed at saving Baltic fish populations. However, NGOs also acknowledge that some progress was made towards considering … Read more
Was Article 11 of the CFP doomed to fail?
Executive Summary The EU has set out strong objectives for marine protection in its waters. This began with the adoption of the Habitats Directive in 1992 and has been continually re-emphasised in later policy outlines, the latest being the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy which sets a target of protecting 30% of the marine habitat with 10% … Read more
Recommendations to the EU on the setting of fishing opportunities for 2022
Click here to read our open letter to Comissioner Sinkevi?ius.
Oceana calls for strong political leadership to implement new 2030 Mediterranean fisheries strategy
Ahead of the adoption on 9th July of a new 2030 strategy for the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), Oceana is calling on fisheries ministers from the Mediterranean and Black Sea to deliver its actions without delay. In particular, Oceana urges ministers to prioritize the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems and essential fish … Read more
Common Fisheries Policy: Mission not yet accomplished
Summary Seven years after the last reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) entered into force, the EU, which has exclusive competence in this area, is yet to succeed in fulfilling its objectives. Implementation and enforcement challenges remain, often due to Member States’ inaction, insufficient oversight by the European Commission and industry resistance to change. … Read more