Debate: EU Markets Driving Good Fisheries Governance

Do you plan to attend the 2015 Seafood Expo in Brussels? On Tuesday 21st of April, Commissioner Karmenu Vella will hold a debate on whether the European Union’s rules and methods in the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing can contribute towards better fisheries governance globally. It will be a unique opportunity to … Read more

Oceana celebrates NEAFC improvements on shark management

Lack of agreement for key commercial stocks like mackerel, blue whiting or herring Today, the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC), responsible for managing fishery resources in the international waters of that region, has finished its week-long annual meeting in London. Oceana, an NGO observer to NEAFC, strongly welcomes the measures adopted for shark management … Read more

Oceana denounces Council decision on deep-sea fishing opportunities

Yesterday, the Council of Fisheries Ministers of the European Union reached an agreement on fishing opportunities for deep-sea species for 2015 and 2016. Although catches will be reduced for many deep-sea stocks, Oceana is deeply disappointed that catch limits were nevertheless set higher than scientifically advised for 63% of stocks, putting these vulnerable species at … Read more

Oceana welcomes European Commission proposal on fishing opportunities for 2015

Today, the European Commission has proposed fishing opportunities for 2015 for the main commercial fish stocks in Atlantic waters and the North Sea. In accordance with the objectives of the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the Commission has recommended catch limits that achieve Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) by 2015, and comply with the new discard … Read more

Oceana welcomes Karmenu Vella, the new Commissioner in charge of delivering healthy oceans by 2020

Oceana welcomes Karmenu Vella, holder of the new super portfolio of Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and encourages strong leadership when he leads EUs efforts to rebuild sustainable fisheries, protect the marine environment and guarantee that sustainability is central to the “Blue Growth” Strategy. During his mandate Mr. Vella will face the most … Read more

Oceana disappointed as EU fisheries Ministers ignore scientific advice

Today, EU Fisheries Ministers met to negotiate the 2015 Total Allowable Catches (TAC) for the Baltic Sea stocks. Regretfully, the Ministers decided to ignore scientific advice for cod , going against their own agreement under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) to achieve fisheries management in line with Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY, which is the theoretical … Read more

European Commission: new faces and new fears for environmental action

The ongoing public hearings of the future European Commissioners before the European Parliament pose many questions and many doubts. Last week, we observed the grilling of both Karmenu Vella, a candidate Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Miguel Cañete- for Climate Action and Energy. “Sustainability”, “green economy” and “competitiveness and jobs” were the … Read more