Oceana reaction to Council of Fisheries Ministers vote on EMFF

Last night, Fisheries Ministers passed one of the last hurdles in the negotiations on the reformed European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) by reaching an agreement on the criteria that will be used to determine how the money will be allocated and spent. While Oceana was pleased to see Ministers steer clear of reintroducing subsidies … Read more

EU Bans All Shark Finning

As of 6 July, 2013, all sharks caught in European waters or by European vessels will have to be landed with their fins still naturally attached. Celebrating the arrival of the long-awaited, strict EU ban on shark finning, Oceana welcomes the new EU regulation’s entry into effect, on Saturday. It ends nearly a decade of … Read more

Oceana supports Spain’s U-turn to fight illegal fishing

Oceana believes that it is crucial that all European States display the same level of commitment in application of Regulations. Oceana appreciates the political U-turn taken by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and the Environment to fight illegal fishing. The General Secretary for Fisheries, Carlos Domínguez, yesterday presented data on control of fishery product imports … Read more

OCEANA: Paramount decision adopted today for the future of EU seas

In an historical move, the European Parliament today adopted an ambitious position for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. After almost twenty months of debate,  502 of the voting members supported a reform that will ensure that fish stocks are rebuilt above levels which can produce the Maximum Sustainable Yield by 2015, that discarding … Read more

OCEANA: Paramount decision adopted today for the future of EU seas

In an historical move, the European Parliament today adopted an ambitious position for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. After almost twenty months of debate,  502 of the voting members supported a reform that will ensure that fish stocks are rebuilt above levels which can produce the Maximum Sustainable Yield by 2015, that discarding … Read more

Dramatic Reforms for Europe’s Fisheries

The European Parliament approved major reforms to the Common Fishery Policy, a law that manages all European fisheries. Members overwhelmingly voted in favor of a comprehensive reform policy that includes amendments – many of which were proposed by Oceana – that require member states to fish all stocks at sustainable levels by 2015 and comply … Read more