One step forward to protect underwater gardens in the Mediterranean

Anything can happen underwater, and even gardens are not necessarily composed of plants. In fact, one of the most beautiful habitats in the Mediterranean are coralligenous gardens, where trees are replaced by soft corals (gorgonians) and flowers give way to calcareous red algae and animals such as sponges and bryozoans. These wondrous places support a … Read more

Oceana and scientists call on Mediterranean states for a fisheries management plan in the Strait of Sicily

Oceana and over 50 scientists urge Mediterranean States to establish a management plan for demersal fisheries in the Strait of Sicily based on the best available scientific advice to ensure the recovery of overexploited stocks of hake and deep-water rose shrimp. The letter, signed by the scientists, will be disseminated at the 39th session of … Read more

Scientists back up Oceana’s proposal to protect juvenile fish in the Mediterranean Sea

Rome. Today, fisheries scientists from Mediterranean countries have validated the Oceana proposal to close nursery areas in the Strait of Sicily in order to restore the heavily overfished stocks of deep-water rose shrimp and hake. Earlier this month, Oceana, the largest international organization for the protection of the oceans, submitted this proposal to the FAO’s … Read more

Oceana proposes protection of key fish nursery areas in the Mediterranean

Earlier this month, Oceana formally submitted a proposal to the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Sea to permanently close key nursery areas in the Strait of Sicily to bottom trawling. According to the international marine conversation organisation, this measure will contribute to the restoration of  unmanaged and overexploited fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea, where … Read more

European Commission confirms 91% of mediterranean stocks are overfished

Oceana today proposed a set of measures to tackle the alarming amount of overfishing occuring in the Mediterranean Sea, which affects 88 out of 97 of assessed fish stocks. The percentage of overfished stocks in this sea has been increasing over the years, cementing this region’s position as the worst hit in Europe. The international … Read more

Oceana welcomes historical step to save Mediterranean fish stocks

Almost 80% of fish stocks in the Mediterranean Sea are overfished Rome – Today, high-level officials representing Mediterranean countries, including Maria Damanaki, EU Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, expressed their commitment to put an end to overfishing in the Mediterranean Sea while considering marine ecosystems and preserving fragile habitats. This historical step has been … Read more

Oceana proposes to improve the order for the protection of the Channel of Menorca and the canyons in the Gulf of Lions

The proposal is based on the inclusion of European fisheries regulations governing the protection of vulnerable Mediterranean ecosystems. Oceana has submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) a series of representations regarding the Draft Ministerial Order proposing the declaration of 4 new Sites of Community Importance (SCI). The representations are directed at … Read more

World Environment Day and Essential Fish Habitats

It’s World Environment Day. We’ve always argued that protecting the marine environment, so that it functions like the well-oiled machine it should be, is the only way to ensure a strong and sustainable fishing industry. There are some areas in the world that are known for their immense contribution to biodiversity, science and productivity. Though … Read more

More than half of species in Cabrera National Park are not sufficiently protected

Oceana has warned that many species in the National Park are also present in neighbouring areas, where they are not protected, so it believes that its enlargement is necessary,  as approved by the National Park Board of Trustees one year ago Oceana has warned that more than half of the species in the Cabrera Archipelago … Read more