Joint Policy Statement on Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Management

November 2010. Greenpeace, Oceana, the Pew Environment Group and WWF call upon member governments of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) to immediately protect the severely depleted Atlantic bluefin tuna. Over 30 years of mismanagement and illegal fishing, along with negligent reporting, fraud, and a disregard for science has resulted in … Read more

Oceana calls for complete closure of industrial bluefin tuna fishery in Mediterranean; urges for protections of spawning grounds

Oceana, the world’s largest international ocean conservation organization, joined Greenpeace, WWF and PEW today in urging for stronger protection measures for bluefin tuna at the 17th Special Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in Paris, France. The human appetite for sushi and sashimi has created a market where a … Read more

Oceana calls for protection of ocean’s top predators at upcoming international fisheries meeting

Oceana, the world’s largest international ocean conservation organization, is calling for the protection of the ocean’s top predators at the 17th Special Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in Paris, France, November 17 to 27. Specifically, Oceana is seeking protections for several vulnerable and overexploited species vital to maintaining … Read more

Tun’Up for Tuna: Put YOUR face on the fight for bluefin

The countdown to ICCAT is coming up – for those of you who don’t know much about it, keep an eye on our blog this month, we’ll be sharing tidbits about the conference, the important issues at stake and the fate of some of our favorite marine animals: the bluefin tuna, the swordfish and the … Read more

Bluefin Tuna’s fate in Slippery Hands

On Tuesday this week, the European Union fisheries ministers met in Luxembourg to discuss their position for the upcoming meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) – they rejected the EU Executive arm’s proposal to cut the Bluefin tuna quota for 2011. The Mediterranean countries (including France, Spain, Greece and … Read more

Bluefin Tuna Season Cut Short Again

After continuous campaign work by Oceana, in early June the European Commission closed the bluefin tuna purse seine fishery early for a third year in a row, further confirming the overcapacity of the fishing fleet. The assigned quota was reached one week earlier than expected, and the Commission’s decision came despite the fleet reduction plans … Read more

Oceana demands immediate halt of bluefin tuna industrial fishing

Bluefin tuna is disappearing. However, tomorrow, bluefin tuna fishing with industrial seine will be reopened. This fishing season will be extended until June 15. The quota for the entire Mediterranean and East Atlantic has been reduced to 13,500 tons: too low to be profitable. Therefore, Italian vessels will not fish this year in exchange of … Read more

New Oceana report shows depletion of prey fish may be starving the oceans

Oceana released a new report today finding widespread malnutrition in commercial and recreational fish, marine mammals and seabirds because of the global depletion of the small fish they need to survive.  These “prey fish” underpin marine food webs and are being steadily exhausted by heavy fishing, increasing demand for aquaculture feed, and climate change.   … Read more

The EU responsible for the collapse of bluefin tuna

The bluefin tuna fishing season begins today for the Mediterranean purse seiner fleet, under the auspices of management measures that supposedly guarantee control over the fleet, but in reality ignore scientific recommendations and authorize unsustainable catches. In addition, illegal catches abound and Oceana calls for the immediate closure of the fishery to halt the decline … Read more