Riqueza de los fondos infra- y circa-litorales de Jaizkibel

The submarine areas associated to the Jaizkibel mountain show a high diversity of habitats and species. With the aim of contributing to this knowledge, the OCEANA association carried out several immersions from 2008 to 2010. In this work we detail the results of such immersions. Overall, we identified more than 300 species (all of which … Read more

Meet: Seahorse

We found this little guy in Galicia, Spain during our 2008 at-sea Oceana Ranger expedition. Here’s a fun fact about seahorses: the males are the ones who get pregnant and seahorse babies are born inside the male pouch. But here are some not so fun facts about seahorses, which are fished for use in traditional … Read more

Last day of the campaign: Mushroom sponge day

After being under way all night without any problems, we reached Gijón. To finish off the campaign, the objective for the day was to take some samples of mushroom sponges, a species we have recorded along the Galician and Asturian coasts. We have not been able to identify it because it is probably a new … Read more

Castro Verde and Sonabia

Today we continued with the campaign by making two Rov immersions and one with divers. Ana Leiva (director of Fundación Biodiversidad) and Juanjo came with us. This was because they showed great interest in finding out what a day of work on the Ranger was like and our activities and the information we are collecting … Read more

August 1, 2008

We started the day sounding the canyon near the Castro Verde seamount to later sail toward the coastal area between Punta El Mariano and Punta la Code (between Islares and Castro Urdiales) where divers went on a shallow dive (between 6 and 15 meters deep). The rocky bottom with slight unevenness was covered by seaweed … Read more

Castro Verde Seamount , July 31, 2008

Just like the day before, early in the morning, starting the day, we came across a group of 9 common dolphins (Delphinus delphis). As they did not approach the ship, we continued our course toward the Castro Verde seamount. We made the first immersion with the Rov in the canyon near the seamount on a … Read more

July 30, 2008

We started the day sighting a group of 3 common dolphins (Delphinus delphis), about 7 nautical miles sailing toward Cabo Matxitxako. It was once again a day of intense work with the Rov. We made the two dives in the same canyon off “Las Palomas” oil rig on a muddy bottom with some scattered rocks. … Read more