Oceana applauds new steps forward on transparency for Mediterranean fisheries

The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean has improved its Authorised Vessel List, helping to identify those that fish illegallyThe expanded list still falls short on providing important information such as the vessel owner, previous flag and greater detail relating to the types of fishing licenses granted Oceana welcomes the adoption by the General Fisheries … Read more

Oceana urges Mediterranean countries to make fisheries more transparent and sustainable

The organisation calls on Mediterranean countries to make information on authorised fishing vessels public, to help identify those that fish illegally   Oceana proposes new 800km² fishery closure to protect exceptional deep-sea corals between Spain and Morocco  Oceana is urging the member countries of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) to improve fisheries management and ensure effective enforcement by modernising its Authorised Vessel List. This would mean publicly listing information about fishing licenses, detailing which vessels can legally operate where, when, how and under which conditions, especially for vessels allowed to fish … Read more

AGRIFISH: Some Baltic fish still in crisis as the EU starts to consider ecosystem impacts

Following the EU AGRIFISH Council press conference today, NGOs expressed disappointment that Member State fisheries ministers again haggled all night to raise Baltic fishing limits for 2022 above the European Commission’s proposal and against the clear scientific advice aimed at saving Baltic fish populations. However, NGOs also acknowledge that some progress was made towards considering … Read more

ICCAT takes important steps towards strengthening measures to combat IUU fishing

In June 2021, member countries of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)’s Integrated Monitoring Measures (IMM) working group met online to discuss and consider the advancement of ICCAT’s conservation and management measures.   During this meeting, IMM members reviewed a series of proposals including those intended to strengthen ICCAT’s measures aimed at combatting illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Among these was a proposal tabled … Read more