TACs: What Oceana Does

Political commitment to correctly apply this system is fundamental and, as such, one of Oceana’s main objectives is to pressure and influence the decisions made concerning TACs. Oceana believes it is necessary to maintain the TAC system and has expressed this in its recommendations for the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), as long as the … Read more

Fishing Subsidies: Achievements

Thanks to Oceana, the European Court of Justice forced Italy to reimburse €7M it received in subsidies for the conversion or decommissioning of its fleet. Oceana proved that the fleet was never converted or decommissioned and that the funds were used to increase the fishing efforts. Oceana reported various vessels for illegal fishing, one of … Read more

Discards and By-catches: Achievements

At the beginning of the year, Council Regulation (CE) 43/2009 of 16 January 2009 prohibited high grading in the North Sea. This prohibition is applicable to all commercial species. The next step for this measure is its application in all European waters and other interesting steps are being taken in other areas. The EU, Norway … Read more

Discards and Bycatch: What Oceana Does

Oceana works in the EU to achieve the approval of specific legislation concerning bycatch and discards. The proportion of discards in European waters is putting the future of many fisheries at risk. These fisheries discard more than 50% of their catch. Oceana proposes the implementation of a set of measures that have been proven effective … Read more

Bluefin Tuna: Learn More

ICCAT The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) is an international body responsible for the conservation and management of tuna and related species, as well as species caught incidentally as bycatch in these fisheries, including sharks. For more information about ICCAT

Bluefin Tuna: What Oceana Does

Oceana carried out expeditions on land and on board the Oceana Ranger catamaran and the Marviva Med in the Mediterranean, as well as fishing surveillance activities in countries like Italy, France, Spain, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia and Morocco. Oceana develops its campaign primarily in May and June, the months when the tuna fleet is most active, … Read more

UNEP workshop on fisheries subsidies and sustainable fisheries management

Society as we know it, perhaps in every country on earth, would not exist in its present form without economic subsidies. Economic support knows many different faces: apart from direct payments to those in need, it may be provided through public-private partnerships or bi-lateral agreements, by joining a free trade agreement or union (such as … Read more

Deep sea species: The European Union must decide between science and the private interest of the fishing industry

The European Commission proposal with regard to the setting and distribution of quotas for deep-sea marine species (Com (2004) 746) represents a significant step forward in complying with the European Union’s commitments and the new Common Fisheries Policy. The proposal follows a number of scientific recommendations, many of which have been repeatedly ignored for years, … Read more