EU and UK set quotas that will continue overfishing of some much-loved fish

Yesterday the EU and the UK reached an agreement on 2022 fishing limits for shared fish populations in the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The fisheries agreement for 2022 includes 65 TACs for jointly managed fish populations and provisions for the exploitation of non-quota stocks as well. This is the second post-Brexit agreement on … Read more

More than 150,000 Europeans call on EU to ban bottom-trawling to protect ocean and climate

A giant colourful pop-up book depicting the devastation caused by destructive bottom trawling – and how the marine environment thrives in its absence – was delivered to European Union (EU) Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevi?ius by NGOs this morning, on behalf of more than 150,000 Europeans who have signed a petition calling for the EU to phase out destructive fishing practices, starting … Read more

Ministros das Pescas da UE fecham os olhos à sobrepesca

COMUNICADO DE IMPRENSA – 14/12/2021 Contacto   Emily Fairless, Oficial de Comunicações  Tel.:+ 32 2 513 22 42 M: +32 478 038 490 E-mail:   Apesar da crise ecológica, um terço das quotas de pesca da UE excedem os pareceres dos cientistas   Bruxelas – Hoje, os ministros das pescas da UE alcançaram um acordo sobre as oportunidades de pesca para 2022, incluindo 23 … Read more

Le Conseil de l’UE de la pêche ferme les yeux sur la surpêche

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE – 14/12/2021 Contact   Emily Fairless, Responsable de la communication  Tél. : + 32 2 513 22 42 Mobile : +32 478 038 490 E-mail :     Un tiers des quotas de pêche de l’UE dépassent les recommandations des scientifiques malgré les crises écologiques   Bruxelles — Aujourd’hui, les ministres de la pêche de l’Union Européenne (UE) sont parvenus à … Read more

EU fisheries Council turns a blind eye to overfishing 

Today, EU fisheries ministers have reached an agreement on 2022 fishing opportunities, which includes 23 catch limits for fish populations managed exclusively by the EU in the North-East Atlantic as well as fishing effort restrictions for Mediterranean waters. Oceana condemns the EU for not closing the gap between the scientific advice and the adopted fishing … Read more

France, Spain and Italy must stop playing Russian roulette with their Mediterranean fisheries, and instead abide by EU law they committed to.

Ahead of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AgriFish) on 12 and 13 December 2021, Environment NGOs are extremely concerned that France, Spain and Italy are playing political games that risk burying all hopes to save Western Mediterranean fisheries. The Western Mediterranean is plagued by unacceptable overfishing – 2.71 times higher than sustainable levels, and … Read more

Oceana places virtual floating cod over Council of the EU to protest against overfishing

Today Oceana is placing a virtual floating cod over the Europa building in Brussels, where the Council of the EU meets, and over various fisheries ministry buildings across Europe. This action aims to denounce the overexploitation of European fish populations and to call on EU fisheries ministers, who will meet on 12-13 December, to set fishing opportunities for 2022 in line with science and so bring … Read more

Paper Parks in Spain – Bottom trawling inside marine protected areas

Summary Spain has an extensive network of marine protected areas covering more than 13% of its marine surface area. These areas have been designated to protect very rich and varied biodiversity, but their management is inadequate. In most of these areas, which form part of the Natura 2000 network, the status of the habitats and … Read more