How to save the Bluefin: a visual education

Check out this video we just spotted. What a great visual way to teach people about the plight of the bluefin tuna! Watch the video on YouTube (by HOWTOSAVETHEBLUEFIN)    

Commission proposal on fishing opportunities moves towards precautionary approach

Catch increases proposed for cod, anglerfish, haddock and Norway lobster are unjustified . Yesterday the European Commission published its proposal for 2012 Fishing Opportunities for exclusive EU stocks in the Northeast Atlantic, which are not subject to international agreements. Oceana considers that the proposed catch limits pave the way to stock recovery, although for most … Read more

Oceana supports large quota reductions for important Baltic stocks in 2012

Oceana remains troubled that the vast majority of Baltic fish species like seatrout, dab, brill, turbot and flounder remain largely unmanaged. Yesterday, the European Commission published their proposal for 2012 Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for some Baltic fish stocks. Oceana is urging the Commission and Member States to immediately halt fishing for red listed and … Read more

The European Union and Fishing Subsidies

The world’s oceans are nearing irreversible collapse. Most of the world’s fisheries are fully exploited or facing overexploitation and depletion. In Europe, the oceans are equally in crisis. Only a minority of commercially fished stocks have been assessed or are managed. Of the fish stocks that have been scientifically assessed, the majority are overfished. An … Read more

Mercury rising: Seafood contamination and a consumer’s right to know

Mercury contamination in popular fish, industrial waste leaking into our oceans, years long legal battles to gain access to public information being kept hidden by the government – it sounds like the plot of a movie, but unfortunately, it’s just what we’ve been dealing with in our latest battle against seafood contamination in Spain and … Read more

Oceana Half-hearted Common Fisheries Policy proposal fails to deliver necessary solutions for depleted EU seas

Proposal changes nothing for 3/4th of species commercially exploited without management measures. Today, the Commission presented its proposal for a reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in what marks the beginning of a nearly 20-month process that will involve European parliamentarians, and ministers from the 27 EU Member States, among many others. The proposal takes some … Read more

EU Commission’s half-hearted attempt to restore Europe’s depleted seas

Today was a BIG day for Oceana: the European Commission unveiled their proposal for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. We’ve been working for months on ensuring that this proposal included the much needed solutions to restore Europe’s depleted seas and put us on the path towards sustainable fisheries. The outcome had some positives, … Read more