Non-Managed Species: Overview

Fisheries resources provide an important part of the food supply and supporting many people’s livelihoods across the EU. Therefore, they need to be managed responsibly by both policymakers and fishermen, with an appropriate control system needed to guarantee that the stock is not overexploited and that fishing activity does not cease to be economically viable … Read more

European Union failing threatened mediterranean sharks

Oceana, the international marine conservation organisation, denounces the European Commission for blocking efforts to protect threatened and endangered sharks and rays in the Mediterranean Sea, under the Barcelona Convention. The protection of ten species of sharks and rays is one of the key issues for discussion at the biennial meeting of the Convention, which begins … Read more

Investigative journalists uncover truth behind decimated fish stocks in the Pacific

The latest “Looting the Seas” report by the ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists) was published today. You may recall a few months ago, we discussed their investigation into illegal fishing, seafood fraud and runaway subsidies in Spain. This time, they turned their focus to the Pacific Ocean, specifically looking into how European, Asian and … Read more

Threatened Species: Singular species

Carnivorous sponge (Asbestopluma hypogea). Typical species in environments with little suspended organic matter, which could explain its carnivorous and non-filtering behaviour.  Oceana documented this species for the first time outside caves in the underwater mountains of Ausias March (Balearic Islands) and Chella Bank (Seco de los Olivos, Alborán). Its uncommonness and fragility make it a … Read more

Threatened Species: What does Oceana do?

Oceana is part of ACCOBAMS and has the status of observer in OSPAR, HELCOM, ICES and ICCAT, and in international and fishing management conventions directly or indirectly linked to the conservation of threatened marine species. Our objective is the inclusion of new species in the protection lists of these conventions and the adequate management of … Read more

Threatened Species: Overview

Marine species suffer impacts derived from human activity, such as overfishing, the destruction of the habitat, contamination and even climate change.  As a result of this, more and more are at risk in seas and oceans around the world. Cetacean and turtles are some of the best known, but others like sharks, corals, gorgonians, prairies … Read more