EU Parliament Committee undermines any attempt at reforming fisheries subsidies

Employment and Social Affairs Committee takes right step towards sustainable fisheries. Yesterday, the Regional Development Committee adopted its opinion on the future financing mechanism for fisheries in the EU (EMFF). Surprisingly and very disappointingly, the Members of this Committee supported amendments that allowed for building new boats, vessel modernization and subsidies for new engines, which … Read more

Oceana calls on MEPs to stop subsidies that fuel overfishing

This week, three EU Parliament Committees will lay the foundation for the future financial mechanism for fisheries, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). Oceana urges the Members of Parliament to vote against harmful subsidies that promote overfishing and an oversized unsustainable fleet. “Members of Parliament need to realize that without fish, there will be … Read more

Deepsea shark liver oil is becoming latest marine gold for pirates

Loophole in EU law allows shark liver oil captured illegally around the world to reach EU consumers as Omega-3. Oceana has called upon the European Commission to amend weak EU laws that leave European markets open to liver oil from illegally caught deep-sea sharks. In recent months, vessels which are internationally blacklisted because of previous … Read more

Oceana statement on voting outcome of part of the CFP reform package

Yesterday  the European Parliament voted on part of the Common Fisheries Policy reform package, the outcome of which, despite a close vote, is disappointing according to Oceana: “We are disappointed by the lack of ambition shown today by the European Parliament. The decision to reject the objective to recover and restore fish stocks above levels … Read more

Oceana welcomes EU Commission proposal to phase out deep-sea bottom trawling in the Northeast Atlantic

Deep-sea species and habitats are extremely vulnerable to exploitation. Today, the European Commission published a strong draft regulation establishing access requirements and conditions applicable to deep sea fisheries in the Atlantic. Oceana is pleased with this significant step towards the sustainable use of deep marine resources and the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems. Among the … Read more

Oceana welcomes new Danish HELCOM Chairmanship and encourages prioritization of work on fisheries and marine protection

Oceana welcomes the new Chairwoman of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (known as HELCOM), Helle Pilsgaard, in her new position, and looks forward to the two-year Danish Chairmanship of HELCOM. In a letter addressed to Ms. Pilsgaard, Oceana marked its appreciation for plans to tackle the human causes of eutrophication by setting country-wide nutrient … Read more

Victory: 10 species of threatened sharks and rays get protected

Good news readers! Great news, actually: Yesterday, EU has finally voted in favour of strictly protecting ten threatened species of sharks and rays in the Mediterranean Sea, under the Barcelona Convention. These species, including hammerheads, tope, and shortfin mako, have declined dramatically in numbers – some by as much as 99% during the last century … Read more