Oceana welcomes EU Parliament adoption of Skagerrak discard ban

Yesterday an overwhelming majority of the European Parliament voted for a gradual ban on the discarding of unwanted fish in the Skagerrak. Oceana welcomes this bold step towards ending the wasteful practice of throwing millions of tons of fish back into the sea. “It is rewarding to see that the Parliament is sticking to defending … Read more

Oceana denounces before UNESCO the dumping of polluted waste from Maó

The dumping of the waste into the sea will affect fishing activity, human health, the quality of bathing water, and the conservation of marine ecosystems. Oceana sent today to the Paris headquarters of UNESCO, the body in charge of Biosphere Reserves, a complaint against the project of dumping into the sea the waste materials from … Read more

Taming the high seas

“The high seas” – Just the term evokes the idea of a wild and lawless ocean that spans as far as the eye can see… and pirates (or is that just me?).    The truth is not so far from this. You see, the high-seas fall beyond national jurisdiction and are “governed” by a series of … Read more

OCEANA: Paramount decision adopted today for the future of EU seas

In an historical move, the European Parliament today adopted an ambitious position for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. After almost twenty months of debate,  502 of the voting members supported a reform that will ensure that fish stocks are rebuilt above levels which can produce the Maximum Sustainable Yield by 2015, that discarding … Read more

OCEANA: Paramount decision adopted today for the future of EU seas

In an historical move, the European Parliament today adopted an ambitious position for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. After almost twenty months of debate,  502 of the voting members supported a reform that will ensure that fish stocks are rebuilt above levels which can produce the Maximum Sustainable Yield by 2015, that discarding … Read more

A Postcard from Strasbourg: Make History, End Overfishing

As you may know, there is a big vote happening tomorrow in Strasbourg. Members of Parliament have a chance to make history , and we, along with our colleagues in the NGO community have been working hard for the past year and a half to spread the right information to the right people. Just in … Read more

Dramatic Reforms for Europe’s Fisheries

The European Parliament approved major reforms to the Common Fishery Policy, a law that manages all European fisheries. Members overwhelmingly voted in favor of a comprehensive reform policy that includes amendments – many of which were proposed by Oceana – that require member states to fish all stocks at sustainable levels by 2015 and comply … Read more

The UN goes for an international mercury convention

This week, diplomats are in Geneva negotiating a treaty on global mercury emissions. Mercury poisoning is no joke – as this Guardian article states, mercury is “a lethal neurotoxin that includes, among an inventory of grim effects, brain damage and the loss of IQ points in unborn children, injuries to kidneys and heart, and results … Read more

Half of 2013 fishing opportunities set by EU Fisheries Ministers are above scientific recommendations

This morning after an intense two-day negotiation process, EU fisheries ministers reached an agreement on 2013 catch limits for the main commercial species in the North East Atlantic. Oceana in a preliminary assessment of fisheries minister’s agreement describes the decisions adopted as contradictory and regrets another missed opportunity to end the overexploitation of European fishery … Read more