Unilever ends the use of shark products in its cosmetics

Oceana, the international marine conservation organisation, is engaged in a campaign to end of the use of shark liver oil, known as squalene, in cosmetics products. Europe is a major force in the production and trade of squalene, and the campaign has included investigative visits to fishing ports and cosmetics shops, and discussions with cosmetic … Read more

Mediterranean fisheries meeting provides critical opportunity to tackle overfishing

Split, Croatia. – Today, at the opening of the 37th meeting of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), Oceana calls on Contracting Parties to take action to end the persistent mismanagement and overexploitation of Mediterranean stocks. For years, GFCM scientists have sounded the alarm on the dwindling state of fish stocks and recommended … Read more

Inching towards a fisheries deal

This article originally appeared in the EU Observer on May 13th, 2013. As EU fish ministers meet in Brussels today and tomorrow (13-14 May) the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is on the brink of a crucial step in its reform process This is where things stand: on 6 February, an overwhelming majority of MEPs supported … Read more

An update on the CFP: where we stand

It’s been a while since we’ve updated you on where the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) stands. A few months ago, when the European Parliament overwhelmingly voted for sustainable fisheries in Europe, we saw the will of the people turn into reality. That future is not yet set in stone though, and as … Read more

NGOs concerned over threats to block EU fisheries reform

A number of countries, including France, Spain, Poland, Lithuania, Greece and Romania, are resisting efforts to find common ground with the European Parliament on key issues such as fleet management and discards. Coveney must not give in to these short-sighted positions but instead re-double his efforts to win agreement with all fisheries ministers for an … Read more

All Aboard! A campaign to stop the bankrupting of Europe’s oceans.

We’ve teamed up with WWF, FishFight, BirdLife, Paint a Fish, and Ocean2012 to get as many people on board to stop bankrupting our oceans and allow fish stocks in Europe to recover. This interactive campaign allows you to send a message directly to your Fisheries Minister – we’ve already seen the power of citizens when … Read more