Oceana provokes the arrest of illegal driftnetters by italian coastguards

On some occasions, the activities of these vessels have extended into Spanish waters. The research catamaran of the Oceana organisation, the Ranger, has been carrying out “in situ” surveillance of the illegal Italian driftnet fleet since the beginning of July, which operates out of bases in Sicily, Sardinia, around Naples and Sorrento, and the small … Read more

EU Bans All Shark Finning

As of 6 July, 2013, all sharks caught in European waters or by European vessels will have to be landed with their fins still naturally attached. Celebrating the arrival of the long-awaited, strict EU ban on shark finning, Oceana welcomes the new EU regulation’s entry into effect, on Saturday. It ends nearly a decade of … Read more

Former OAS chief joins Oceana Board

WASHINGTON _  Former Colombian President César Gaviria, whose 10-year leadership of the Organization of American States (OAS) revitalized that hemispheric institution, today joined the fight for healthy seas around the world by becoming a member of the Board of Directors of Oceana, the only international conservation group solely dedicated to ocean protection. “As Arvid Pardo, … Read more

An attempt to bypass democratic reform of fisheries subsidies

As the negotiations on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) reach a crucial point in the European Parliament, there are reports that Alain Cadec, the French Member of Parliament in charge of the file, is seeking an agreement directly with the Member States, and thus trying to bypass the opportunity for a detailed discussion … Read more

Deep-sea fisheries in Europe: High environmental costs, minimal economic dependence

The scale of economic dependence on deep-sea fisheries in Europe is low, according to new information presented today by the European Commission during a Fisheries Committee debate in the European Parliament in Brussels. Oceana values the contribution from the Commission, which further justifies measures that have been proposed for improving the sustainability of deep-sea fisheries … Read more

Fisheries subsidies: What will Member States spend the money on?

At this very moment, EU Member States are developing their six-year plans on how they will be using fisheries subsidies (mostly funded by taxpayer money) they will be receiving once the new European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is finalized. As part of the design process of these Operational Programmes, several countries (though, unfortunately, not … Read more

World Oceans Day: Conservation efforts largely ignore threatened and fragile deep sea

Today, on World Oceans Day, Oceana urges the prioritization of scientific research into overlooked and fragile deep sea areas. Despite a massive gap in knowledge of deep sea areas, destructive activities are authorized without any clear insight into their impact on local ecosystems. Slow-growing and vulnerable species and habitats are facing potentially irreversible damage. “Activities … Read more

Consumers unaware of endangered shark liver oil in cosmetics

If asked, “would you spread liver oil from threatened deep-sea sharks on your face?” most people would probably answer “no” – yet many European consumers may do so unwittingly, because they have no way of knowing whether a common cosmetic ingredient is sourced from sharks or from plant alternatives. Oceana is calling on cosmetic manufacturers … Read more