A plea for Mediterranean swordfish

Small-scale fishermen are the watchmen of the sea, the first to perceive any changes and the first to be affected by these changes. This is what the new Oceana video “Feluche: artisanal fishermen as watchmen for the Mediterranean swordfish” shows. In the video, the international marine conservation organization gathers witnesses from among traditional harpoon fishermen, … Read more

Oceana and Panthalassa present “Sea Legend”

The international marine conservation organization Oceana and the film production company Panthalassa present “Sea Legend”, a film whose world premiere coincides with the International Film Festival in San Sebastian, Spain. Led by Andrea Roth, the film is set in a future where large fish have disappeared from the oceans, and is intended as a call … Read more

High levels of seafood fraud revealed in Danish fishmongers

The marine conservation organization Oceana, the Danish newspaper Søndagsavisen and the TV program “Go’Aften Denmark” conducted a study revealing that 18% of cod sold in fishmongers is not actually cod, but haddock or saithe. In total, 120 samples were collected from fishmongers, supermarkets and restaurants in the wider Copenhagen region in order to undergo DNA … Read more

Swordfish: Overview

Feluche. Artisanal fishermen as watchmen for the Mediterranean swordfish from Oceana on Vimeo. After many years Mediterranean swordfish stock is still experiencing an overfishing situation while the management measures put in place so far reveal to be not yet adequate to achieve the Convention objectives of managing the stock at/above MSY. The Mediterranean swordfish stock … Read more

Will EU member states live up to their CFP commitments?

Last Monday, the countries around the Baltic Sea invited stakeholders to discuss fisheries management issues at the Baltic Sea Fisheries Forum, known as BALTFISH. BALTFISH is an informal group established by the fisheries administrations around the Baltic Sea, where they discuss fisheries management issues that only concern the Baltic Sea area in order to facilitate … Read more

Oceana supports penalties for Member States that exceeded 2013 fishing quotas

Today, the European Commission announced deductions from 2014 fishing quotas to a group of ten Member States that have exceeded their quotas for 2013. Oceana supports these deductions in order to reverse the damage done to overfished stocks, and denounces the lack of sound control measures by EU Member States. Xavier Pastor, Executive Director for … Read more

Oceana exposes illegal driftnet fisheries, while Italy denies it

Oceana observers, together with a cameraman from Reportime (Corriere della Sera), have gathered evidence of fishing boats using illegal driftnets in southern Italy’s port of Bagnara Calabra, as published today on Corriere della Sera by Report journalist Sabrina Giannini. This destructive fishing gear has been banned in the EU since 2002, due to high by-catch … Read more

Tackling Illegal Fishing in Italy: The Making Of

 During an overnight mission, the team documented illegally caught swordfish from drift gillnets entering the Port. This isn’t the first undercover mission from Oceana—earlier this summer we uncovered drift gillnets in Morocco. Read below to learn more. Reaching Reggio Calabria has been a long trip—and not just in terms of the drive. We didn’t sleep … Read more