EU citizens’ representatives endorse a sustainable future for the Baltic Sea

Today, a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg voted on the multiannual management plan (MAP) for fisheries in the Baltic Sea – the first MAP under the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The plan concerns the long-term managing of major commercial stocks of cod, sprat and herring, as well as providing measures for species of … Read more

European Parliament votes for a sustainable future for Baltic Sea fisheries.

Today, the Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament voted in Brussels on a multiannual management plan (MAP) for fisheries in the Baltic Sea, the first MAP under the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The plan addresses the long-term management of the major commercial stocks of cod, sprat and herring, and also provides measures for some … Read more

Oceana proposes protection of key fish nursery areas in the Mediterranean

Earlier this month, Oceana formally submitted a proposal to the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Sea to permanently close key nursery areas in the Strait of Sicily to bottom trawling. According to the international marine conversation organisation, this measure will contribute to the restoration of  unmanaged and overexploited fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea, where … Read more

Management matters: Ridding the Baltic Sea of paper parks

Threats to the marine environment are multiple and growing and the Baltic Sea is no stranger to them. Numerous human activities have put its ecosystems under severe pressure and it has become one of the most polluted seas in the world. In order to safeguard species and habitats, and to recover the healthy status of the sea, one of the most widely recognized and effective … Read more

New Zealand rejects deep-sea mining: a positive lesson for Europe

Since yesterday, New Zealand has been celebrating a great victory for its oceans and the coastal communities living on the eastern shores of Pacific island. The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) refused marine consent to mine phosphorite nodules on the Chatham Rise, an area of ocean floor to the east of New Zealand, forming part of … Read more