EU Sets Sustainable Catch Limits to Help Recover Fish Populations

The European Union set more sustainable catch limits for the fisheries it manages exclusively in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea for 2024. For Atlantic fisheries, 87% of the catch limits were set in line with scientific recommendations, nearly all the current catch by weight. Also this year, in the Western Mediterranean, fishing … Read more

EU and UK set fishing quotas that leave much-loved species floundering

Negotiations on yearly fishing catch limits between the EU and UK have again ended with a significant number of fish populations put at risk of overfishing and collapse, including key species such as cod. This constant pressure on stocks threatens whole marine ecosystems as well as the fishing industry itself, and with the current environmental … Read more

Oceana in Europe: 20 years rebuilding ocean abundance

For the past twenty years, Oceana in Europe has been campaigning for a healthy, abundant ocean full of life. And it has paid off! We have campaigned for many years to increase sustainable fisheries in the North-East Atlantic. When we first started our work in Europe, only 20 commercial fish stocks were exploited at sustainable … Read more

EU ministers set quotas for Baltic herring that defy fisheries laws

By: BalticWaters, Coalition Clean Baltic, ClientEarth, the Danish Society for Nature Conservation, Deutsche Umwelthilfe,The Fisheries Secretariat, Oceana, Seas At Risk, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation,and WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme. Today EU fisheries ministers have taken decisions concerning declining Baltic Sea herring stocks that will actively contribute to the further deterioration of the ecosystem and its … Read more

New report: keep the small fish plentiful to ensure ocean health

Only one in six forage fish populations in the Northeast Atlantic is both sustainably exploited and in a healthy state, according to a report published by Oceana today. The marine conservation organisation is urging Northeast Atlantic countries to improve their management of these small fish, in advance of negotiations on fishing limits later this year. … Read more