Why are there more and more jellyfish in the sea?

In recent years we have seen how jellyfish have become increasingly important in the marine ecosystem. They have been around in the sea for hundreds of millions of years, and are a fundamental part of the marine ecosystem, but their presence is a source of great controversy, as they can affect tourism or fishing. They … Read more

Oceana flags three ocean priorities to be addressed by the EU Spanish presidency

Spain needs to ensure the adoption of the Nature Restoration Law, and show leadership on files related to the energy transition, catch limits, and seafood traceability Oceana urges the Spanish presidency of the EU Council to prioritise ocean-related issues during the second half of 2023, considering the dire climate and biodiversity crises in EU waters … Read more

Blue NGOs call for ambitious targets towards carbon-neutral fisheries in new Energy Transition Partnership

European Commission kick-starts multi-stakeholder cooperation to decarbonise sector and achieve 2050 climate goals   Brussels – Today, on the occasion of the European Commission’s high-level conference on an energy transition initiative for EU fisheries, blue NGOs Oceana, ClientEarth and Our Fish are calling on the Commission and on fisheries stakeholders to set ambitious targets to achieve … Read more

Political pressure pays off as Northeast Atlantic fish populations show signs of recovery

Fish populations in the EU, particularly those in the Northeast Atlantic, are showing clear signs of recovery, as the latest European Commission annual communication on the state of EU fisheries concludes. It reveals a positive upward trend in the biomass of Northeast Atlantic fish populations over the years since 2007. During that time, Oceana, together with … Read more

Blue Manifesto: The roadmap to a healthy ocean in 2030

This report reviews the progress –if any– on the milestones of the Blue Manifesto, the roadmap to a healthy ocean by 2030. This third assessment looks at the milestones set for 2022 and updates the milestones for 2021 and 2020. When comparing the scoring between these three years, it is clear that there is a … Read more

World Ocean Day: Poor ocean policies put iconic marine wildlife at risk

Oceana urges the EU to raise the ambition to rebuild marine abundance and increase ocean resilience to the climate crisis On World Ocean Day, Oceana calls on decision-makers to create and enforce laws to rebuild European seas and increase their resilience to the climate crisis. Most of the problems that are devastating the ocean can … Read more

Conservative politicians, profits, and pan-seared sturgeon

This World Ocean Day, ‘the tides may be changing’, but political will remains stagnant when it comes to saving Europe’s seas. Dozens of Europe’s most iconic marine species are critically endangered. That’s CRI-TIC-CAL-LY endangered—just two steps below “extinct in the wild” and “extinct” in the IUCN Red List. Sharks and rays, including the hammerhead and … Read more