Oceana: The most productive sea in Europe traded away today by EU Parliament

The European Parliament today adopted in its final vote the North Sea Multi-Annual Plan (NSMAP). The plan covers nearly one-third of all fish catches in EU waters, and includes demersal species, such as: cod, haddock, whiting, sole, plaice and Norway lobster. According to Oceana, the final deal is not acceptable, as it does not fully implement … Read more

Transition to sustainable fishing could land the UK nearly 30% more fish

Oceana released a new socio-economic report today, which finds that the UK is losing out on the opportunity for more food, jobs and money from its fisheries. The findings, presented at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), reveal a possible 27% rise in fish catches (153,000 tonnes more) for the UK fishing … Read more

Gesunde Fischgründe sind gut für’s Geschäft

Der Bericht von Oceana analysiert die für Deutschland 44 kommerziell wichtigsten Arten in Bezug auf Handelswert und Anlandungen, die zusammen 75% der deutschen Gesamtfangmenge ausmachen. Eine nachhaltige Fischereiwirtschaft in den nächsten zehn Jahren hat folgendes Potential: • Die Fangmenge könnte sich um 72.000 Tonnen (+44%) erhöhen. • Der Wert der Anlandungen könnte um 68 Millionen … Read more

EU’s new proposal fails to save Mediterranean

The European Commission published yesterday a new proposal for a multi-annual management plan for fish stocks in the Western Mediterranean Sea. The Commission’s proposal to ensure the recovery of crucial species, such as hake, mullet and shrimps, is a direct follow-up to the #MedFish4Ever ministerial Declaration from 2017. However, in its current state, the proposal … Read more

Fisheries Restricted Areas

Fisheries Restricted Areas (FRAs) are spatial management measures adopted under the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean and Black Sea (GFCM) to regulate or restrict demersal fisheries in the high seas. Since 2006, a total of six FRAs have been established in the GFCM area, each under different management objectives. Three were established to protect … Read more

Closer to reality: Reconstructing total removals in mixed fisheries from Southern Europe

Underestimation of catches is especially important in countries where fishing fleets are highly diversified, the enforcement of fishery management is low, data availability is poor, and there is high demand for fish products in local markets. This is the case for southern European and Mediterranean regions. Adapting a catch-reconstruction approach, we estimated the total removals … Read more

Mediterranean countries commit at UN meeting to protect endangered corals

Mediterranean countries agreed today to legally protect endangered cold-water corals in the Mediterranean Sea from harmful human activity at a UN Environment meeting in Albania. The 22 members of the Barcelona Convention voted in favour of including four additional coral species – cockscomb cup coral, yellow-tree coral, yellow coral and bamboo coral – to the … Read more

EU ministers decide to continue overfishing in the Atlantic waters in 2018

The Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Agrifish) late Tuesday night  agreed on fishing limits for the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea for 2018. The Council’s decision is based on the European Commission’s annual proposal for fishing limits which includes commercially important species, such as cod, hake, anglerfish, Norway lobster, sole, haddock, and horse mackerel. After … Read more