Responsible sourcing recommendations for the Spanish seafood supply chain

There is increasing interest in the Spanish seafood supply chain for fisheries and aquaculture to be more environmentally and socially sustainable. For businesses to ensure more sustainable seafood is part of their strategic planning and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), they must make specific sourcing policy commitments and set defined, time-bound and measurable indicators. This policy must be public and easily accessible. … Read more

France, Spain and Italy unite to breach EU fisheries law

The European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries (PECH) formally adopted today a political agreement on a multiannual plan for demersal species (mostly found at the bottom of the ocean) in the western Mediterranean Sea. The plan will not end overfishing by 2020 but will now extend the sustainable fishing deadline to 2025, therefore failing to rebuild … Read more

European Parliament vote puts future of Mediterranean fishing on the line

Oceana warns emergency closures to fishing could be only option to fix Mediterranean fish crisis and to comply with EU law The European Parliament voted today to adopt the first-ever multiannual plan for fishing in the Western Mediterranean Sea but rejected the necessary conservation measures that would fix the region’s overfishing crisis, where over 80% … Read more

EU ministers reject calls for sustainable catch limits in Atlantic waters

The EU’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council reached an agreement early Wednesday morning on 2019 fishing limits for commercial stocks in the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. After all-night negotiations, the number of catch limits for EU fish stocks set at a sustainable level have increased from 53 to just 59 compared to 2018. Oceana … Read more