Iberian environmental organizations call for measures once again to ensure recovery of the Iberian sardine

Following a workshop organized by the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) in Lisbon to evaluate the recovery and management plan for Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus), 15 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Portugal and Spain[1] are concerned about a plan submitted to the European Commission by the Portuguese and Spanish governments. This plan … Read more

EU Mediterranean plan to allow trawling in fish nurseries

The European Parliament approved today in a plenary vote the first multiannual plan for demersal stocks (fish that live and feed near the sea bottom) for the Western Mediterranean Sea. With 461 votes in favor and 62 against, the legal obligation of reaching sustainable fishing by 2020 at the latest, as agreed under the Common Fisheries … Read more

No-deal Brexit could create anarchy at sea

No-deal Brexit  would mean lawless situation for UK waters Draft Fisheries Bill still stuck in parliament The UK leaving the European Union (EU) without a withdrawal deal could lead to lawlessness at sea with serious impacts on fisheries and marine life in the UK, the environmental organisation Oceana warns. The UK Fisheries Bill, which would … Read more

New roadmap targets responsible sourcing improvements in Spanish seafood industry

A coalition of environmental organisations have today launched a roadmap for the Spanish seafood industry to increase responsible sourcing in its supply chain. The coalition, which includes ClientEarth, Greenpeace, Oceana, Our Fish, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership and WWF, launched 10 recommendations detailing how companies can address the growing concern about sustainability throughout the supply chain, from … Read more

Responsible sourcing recommendations for the Spanish seafood supply chain

There is increasing interest in the Spanish seafood supply chain for fisheries and aquaculture to be more environmentally and socially sustainable. For businesses to ensure more sustainable seafood is part of their strategic planning and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), they must make specific sourcing policy commitments and set defined, time-bound and measurable indicators. This policy must be public and easily accessible. … Read more

France, Spain and Italy unite to breach EU fisheries law

The European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries (PECH) formally adopted today a political agreement on a multiannual plan for demersal species (mostly found at the bottom of the ocean) in the western Mediterranean Sea. The plan will not end overfishing by 2020 but will now extend the sustainable fishing deadline to 2025, therefore failing to rebuild … Read more