Campaign: Habitat Protection
The cascade effect and trawling
We have all heard the term “cascade effect” used to refer to how a government decision, a war, a political event, or other situation impacts society, the economy, prices, and so on. This expression is also used in ecology to explain how human action, a catastrophic event, or a particular incident, for instance, can have … Read more
Habitat Suitability Models of a Critically Endangered Cold-water Coral, Isidella Elongata, in the Mallorca Channel
Abstract The bamboo coral Isidella elongata is often associated with a diverse community, including commercial fish species, playing an important role in the deep-sea Mediterranean as a biodiversity hotspot. There has been a drastic decrease of the populations of this species since the twentieth century, mainly related to impacts of fishing, leading to its inclusion in … Read more
Why are there more and more jellyfish in the sea?
In recent years we have seen how jellyfish have become increasingly important in the marine ecosystem. They have been around in the sea for hundreds of millions of years, and are a fundamental part of the marine ecosystem, but their presence is a source of great controversy, as they can affect tourism or fishing. They … Read more
European Parliament adopts law on nature restoration: despite low ambition, hope remains for ocean restoration
The European Union’s efforts to move forward its green agenda received a boost today [12 July] as the European Parliament adopted its position on the EU Nature Restoration Law (NRL). Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) gathered in Strasbourg to approve the NRL report, which has been a point of much contention in recent months. … Read more
Oceana flags three ocean priorities to be addressed by the EU Spanish presidency
Spain needs to ensure the adoption of the Nature Restoration Law, and show leadership on files related to the energy transition, catch limits, and seafood traceability Oceana urges the Spanish presidency of the EU Council to prioritise ocean-related issues during the second half of 2023, considering the dire climate and biodiversity crises in EU waters … Read more
Nature Restoration Law on its way to Plenary
Today, 27 June, Members of the European Parliament’s Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) committee maintained their tied position on the Nature Restoration Law. The final vote on the report tied by 44-44 votes, resulting in the report not being formally adopted. The Nature Restoration Law is far from dead and buried, however, having … Read more
Council of the EU gives Nature Restoration the green light: EU environment ministers support much-needed law to combat climate and biodiversity loss crises
Brussels – At today’s [20 June] meeting of European environment ministers in Luxembourg, Member States displayed widespread support for the EU Nature Restoration Law currently being negotiated. Ministers’ willingness to move the law forward sends a strong signal to the European Parliament, where political games have stalled negotiations. Importantly, Member States have committed to restore … Read more