Sandtiger shark (Carcharias taurus)

Sandtiger sharks are also known as the grey nurse shark and the spotted ragged-tooth shark. Sandtiger sharks have one of the lowest reproductive rates of any shark, giving birth to only one or two young every couple of years. Once a population is depleted, recovery is especially challenging due to their life history. Smaller populations … Read more

Sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)

The sandbar shark feeds primarily on small fish in the bottom of the water column and is considered harmless to humans. The species is found in a variety of marine habitats, ranging from very shallow intertidal waters to depths of 280 meters. Larger-than-normal fins on the sandbar shark make it the most valuable large coastal … Read more

Porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus)

This seasonally migratory species has a stocky body and short snout. Porbeagles are found around the world, but adjacent populations appear to be distinct. This species prefers colder waters and is, in fact, endothermic. The porbeagle shark is caught as a target and bycatch  species in commercial fisheries for its high-value meat. Directed longline fisheries … Read more

Red trees and Bubblegum corals

The gorgonia Primnoa sp., also known as red tree corals or sea corn, and the bubblegum gorgonia Paragorgia arborea  can form great branching trees that reach many feet from the seabed. Red tree corals 7 feet tall and 25 feet wide have been observed by scientists in submersibles, and fishermen have reported bubblegum trees over … Read more

Oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)

Found far from shore, the oceanic whitetip shark’s range spans entire oceans. Oceanic whitetips are now rarely seen, although previously considered one of the most widespread and abundant sharks. Oceanic whitetip sharks fall victim to the longlines and gillnets of commercial fisheries in the open ocean, both as a target and bycatch. Their large fins … Read more

Lophelia pertusa

Lophelia is a reef-forming coral that provides a highly complex habitat supporting as diverse an array of life as some shallow water reef communities. It is found in every ocean except in Polar regions. Most Lophelia reefs are found at depths of 650 to 3,300 feet, though the deepest so far discovered is nearly two … Read more

Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)

This bottom-dwelling, docile species is found in a variety of habitats which include continental shelves, corals and rocky reefs, mangroves and sand flats. Nurse sharks are equipped with long barbells on their snout to locate benthic prey. Although their meat is not widely commercialized, nurse sharks fall victim to bycatch  in gillnets and longlines. Their inshore … Read more

Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum)

Corallium rubrum is endemic to the Mediterranean and adjacent African Atlantic waters. This species has been harvested since ancient times and is possibly the one in the worst condition. Up to 2,000 vessels have been dedicated to harvesting this coral using such destructive techniques like the crowbar (barra Italiana) or double cross (cruz de San … Read more

Longfin mako shark (Isurus paucus)

Little is known about this typically deep-dwelling species. Like their short-finned relative, longfin makos prefer warmer water, but they are rarely encountered. This species is known to be caught as bycatch  in pelagic longline fisheries, though not as often as the shortfin mako. However, catches may be underestimated, since they are commonly misidentified as shortfin … Read more

Corals: Achievements

June 2009: The Spanish Ministry announced the creation of 20 new marine protected areas that will be implemented at the conclusion of the Life Indemares Project in which Oceana participates. This measure adopted by the Spanish government constitutes a new opportunity to conserve deep-sea coral populations in some areas taken into account  in the project.  … Read more