A responsible attitude after a ferry accident in Balearic Islands

Very often here at Oceana, we are faced with the task of making recommendations when ship accidents happen and we always demand that companies immediately remove pollutants than can cause an environmental disaster. Today none of this will be necessary, because the shipping company that owns “Maverick Two”, the ferry that ran aground last week … Read more

Oceana: Shameful European inaction on shark protection

Oceana deplores the failure of the European Union to take a decision on the protection of threatened sharks and rays in the Mediterranean, at the biennial meeting of the Barcelona Convention, in Paris.  The strict protection of ten species of sharks and rays, for which non-EU nations had already indicated their support, hinged on the … Read more

A different way of life: the barnacle

Some species seek security, constancy and the lowest possible degree of risk in the environment around them. Others however live in areas where conditions vary not only by the season, but by the hour of the day. Such is the case for barnacles, many of which can be found attached to rocks and mussels in … Read more

European Union failing threatened mediterranean sharks

Oceana, the international marine conservation organisation, denounces the European Commission for blocking efforts to protect threatened and endangered sharks and rays in the Mediterranean Sea, under the Barcelona Convention. The protection of ten species of sharks and rays is one of the key issues for discussion at the biennial meeting of the Convention, which begins … Read more

Parasites in the Baltic Sea

It may seem to many that there is little life in the Baltic sea, especially when compared to the bright and colourful images of life in the Mediterranean, or the Atlantic. But if you look very closely, there is actually much to discover. While on our 2011 expedition throughout the Baltic,  we gathered samples of … Read more

The potential environmental impact of the Costa Concordia wreck

Amidst the heartbreaking news surrounding the deadly capsizing of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, another issue is beginning to emerge – that of the potential environmental impact the wreckage may have on the marine ecosystems. What is particularly concerning is that the ship capsized right next to the largest Italian National Park – an ecological … Read more

Pacific Leatherbacks Gain Protected Habitat

The National Marine Fisheries Service finalized protection of 41,914 square miles of protected critical ocean habitat off the shores of Washington, Oregon and California for the endangered Pacific leatherback sea turtle. This is the first permanent safe haven for leatherbacks designated in continental U.S. waters and is the largest area set aside to protect sea … Read more

Oceana proposes nine new marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea is in a critical state and in serious need of protection. Today Oceana, the largest international marine conservation organisation, published a report on biodiversity and marine habitats, proposing nine areas in the Baltic Sea for inclusion in the current network of Marine Protected Areas (MPA). These areas, in Sweden, Finland and Denmark, … Read more

Hydrocarbons exploration in Italy threatens ecosystems in the Adriatic and the Strait of Sicily

Oceana is alarmed at recent developments in the exploitation of hydrocarbon resources along the Italian coastline that jeopardize the integrity of fragile marine ecosystems and the livelihood of coastal populations. The international marine conservation organization urges Corrado Clini, the newly appointed Minister of the Environment, and the Italian government to stop new offshore hydrocarbon leasing … Read more