Scientists speak out against the Balearic debacle

What has to happen in a few months in a relatively small area – 5,000 sqkm- for 180 scientists from different organizations to sign a joint document and send it to media? Many things, and none of them good: drastic budget cuts for protected areas, redundancies that dismantle effective teams, destruction of years-long work…   All … Read more

Portugal to nominate Gorringe Bank as new marine protected area

At 5000 m high, the Gorringe seamounts, located in the Atlantic, 300 km off the Portuguese shore, are on their way to becoming a new Marine Protected Area, following their nomination by the Portuguese government[i]. Oceana, which has documented this area on several occasions, is thrilled with this announcement. Since 2005, Oceana has worked to … Read more

Protecting hidden richness of Lebanon

Can a place 3,000 feet deep, dark and cold be a hot spot of biodiversity? Yes, it can! In fact, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has included four such sites in their Lebanon’s marine protected area strategy , and the reason why we’re talking about them here is because it’s a … Read more

A very special place between Europe and Africa

Located between Spain, Morocco and Algeria, the Alboran Sea is to the very West of the Western Mediterranean. If the Strait of Gibraltar can be called the gate to the Med, then the Alboran Sea is a busy hall where thousands of ships and migrating cetaceans go to and fro. Such hectic activity in a … Read more

Seamounts: biodiversity hotspots deep beneath the waves

If you follow our work, you may have picked up on the fact that we have a thing for seamounts – we’ll admit it, it’s a bit of an obsession. What is it about seamounts that tickles our fancy? High biodiversity? Check Marine mammals and top predators? Check Productive ecosystems that include essential/sensitive habitats? Check … Read more

Cabrera: Overview

The Maritime-Terrestrial National Park of the Cabrera Archipelago, to the south of the island of Majorca, is located in the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands. It has a land surface of 1,318 hectares, distributed between 19 islands, and a marine surface of 8,703 hectares, which amount to 7.5% of the area currently protected in … Read more