Race for the Baltic – a joint campaign to save the Baltic

Today Race for the Baltic  launched; the campaign is a joint initiative of three environmental NGOs (Fish Secretariat, Coalition Clean Baltic and Oceana) in collaboration with the political organization GLOBE, entrepreneurs, and business partners, joining forces to call for action to save the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is one of the most polluted seas … Read more

The Oceana Ball – where sharks are the guest of honour

Today, in New York City’s Rockefeller Center, over 350 international collectors, philanthropists and celebrities will come together to support Oceana’s international work to protect and restore shark populations, fight for true shark finning bans, and reduce shark bycatch. Sharks have been swimming the world’s oceans for more than 400 million years and play a unique … Read more

Oceana joins Cabrera National Park board of trustees

Amigos de la Tierra, Ecologistas en Acción, Greenpeace, SEO/Birdlife and WWF Spain have unanimously designated Oceana as the representative of Spanish conservationist organisations on the Board of Trustees of the Cabrera Maritime-Terrestrial National Park. Oceana will use this appointment to promote the enlargement of the park, a proposal made by the organisation, which secured unanimous … Read more

Oceana proposes to increase protected marine surface of Baltic Sea to 20%

All proposed areas include vulnerable, threatened or declining species or communities which  need immediate protection. Oceana is proposing new marine protected areas (MPAs) in order to enhance the status of the Baltic Sea, and improve the condition of its badly disturbed ecosystems. The twelve areas proposed are located in the waters of Denmark, Finland, Sweden, … Read more

Feature: Nudibranchs

Nudibranchs are a group of sea slugs that have magnificent bright colors and are known around the world for that. There are really few restrictions to what color these creatures can have. Mostly they are natives to more tropical waters but actually, 178 species have been described in Scandinavian waters. Anatomy & Ecology: Nudibranchs have … Read more

Oceana creates an interactive 3D tool to plunge into the Ibiza Channel

The project, in collaboration with Fundación Biodiversidad, includes its description, cartography, virtual flight, and archiving in Google Earth. Oceana has created a 3D interactive tool with photographs and videos of the Nao Mound and the Formentera Morrot seamounts, in the Ibiza Channel. This instrument is a huge advance in knowledge of these elevations, as hardly … Read more

Nudibranchs: Tiny beauties of Scandinavia

Nudibranchs are a group of sea slugs that have magnificent bright colors and are known around the world for that. There are really few restrictions to what color these creatures can have. Mostly they are natives to more tropical waters but actually, 178 species have been described in Scandinavian waters. Nudibranchs are fascinating creatures –they … Read more

Denmark allows destruction of marine protected area

Earlier this month, we were flabbergasted by news of the Danish government’s decision to renew permits for mussel dredging inside marine protected areas in their waters, which stands in stark contrast to the country’s conservation objectives. Hanna Paulomaki, Baltic Sea project manager and marine scientist at Oceana provided a statement on the bizarre decision: “It … Read more

Ibiza Channel: Learn More

  The revision of the images recorded by the ROV let us identify around 100 species, where some are threatened and others are of trade interest. To this list we must add many other species  still unidentified. The analysis process has provided many data of scientific interest that help completing the very first impressions obtained … Read more

Finally, CITES to regulate trade in threatened sharks and mantas

It’s official! Five species of threatened sharks, and two species of manta rays have been added to Appendix II of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna). After several days of suspense since the listings were first approved on Monday, the protections were finalised today in the plenary … Read more