Oceana discovers a “forest” of corals and sea fan in Andalusia

Dolphins, pilot whales and sea turtles are frequent visitors to this important marine area of immense ecological value for which Oceana requests protection During the past weeks, the specialists aboard the Oceana Ranger research vessel, with the help from a submarine robot (ROV) and in collaboration with the Biodiversity Foundation, have examined the marine life … Read more

Oceana warns the European Commission and member states that lack of action to conserve the depleted porbeagle shark could lead to its collapse

The international marine research and conservation organization, Oceana, is dissatisfied by the lack of any catch limit or management plan for the porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) in Council Regulation (EC) Nº 41/2006, which fixes the 2007 fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks. Despite scientific advice to end directed fisheries for porbeagle, no EU catch limitations … Read more

Important decision of the Spanish Government to protect mediterranean marine habitats

The new Ministerial Order, which establishes an Integral Fisheries Management Plan for the Mediterranean Sea, includes for the first time the protection of habitats of great importance in the Mediterranean against the impact of bottom trawling, purse-seining and drag nets. Up until now, only the marine phanerogam Posidonia oceanica enjoyed this protection, but with the … Read more

Oceana to study unknown Emile Baudot escarpment in the Balearic Islands

Today marks the launch of Oceana’s 2013 Mediterranean Expedition, which is bound for the Emile Baudot escarpment, a large rocky wall to the south of the Balearic archipelago, of which nothing about its ecosystem is known. A team of scientists, technicians and videographers from Oceana will spend ten days studying the area, which lounges the … Read more

Black-mouth goby in the Danish kitchen?

The black-mouth goby (Neogobius melanostomus), or round goby, is an invasive species here in the Baltic Sea. It was first seen in 1990 in the Gdansk Bay in Poland from where it quickly spread to the rest of the Baltic. Originally, it comes from the Black Sea and is thought to have come over in … Read more

Meet & Greet: the Eelpout (Zoarces viviparous)

I’ve spent over a year analyzing hours of expedition videos taken by our underwater robot (the ROV). I have to say that you quickly start recognizing the usual suspects of fish and algae. One of the fish that is most commonly seen is the eelpout (Zoarces viviparous). It is a slimy skinned fish with lots … Read more

Mediterranean deep-sea corals in need of protection

Since the entry into force of the SPA/BD Protocol and its Annexes several amendments have been adopted in the framework of the Barcelona Convention bringing up to more than 150 the number of species listed in Annex II and more than 40 the number of species listed in Annex III. Such modifications have corresponded to … Read more