Oceana calls for urgent measures to halt marine biodiversity loss in protected areas

Oceana warns that even though fishing within Natura 2000 marine areas is a major threat to protected species and habitats, most of these sites lack measures to regulate it. Campaigners from the marine conservation organisation have called for the establishment of effective management measures during the first EU biogeographical seminar on marine Natura 2000 management, … Read more

EU citizens’ representatives endorse a sustainable future for the Baltic Sea

Today, a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg voted on the multiannual management plan (MAP) for fisheries in the Baltic Sea – the first MAP under the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The plan concerns the long-term managing of major commercial stocks of cod, sprat and herring, as well as providing measures for species of … Read more

New Marine Protected Areas in Kattegat Almost a Reality

The Danish Minister of Environment, Kirsten Brosbøl, and the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Dan Jørgensen, have submitted a joint proposal to establish six new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Kattegat in order to protect its soft-bottom habitats. Soft-bottom represents around one-quarter of the Danish part of the Kattegat but currently remain completely … Read more

Denmark’s proposal for protecting vulnerable marine habitats lacks ambition

The government’s proposal is intended to protect specific soft-bottom habitats in the Kattegat, of which some are red-listed. In a joint statement, the four conservation organisations stress that larger areas of seabed should be protected than the government suggests. The organisations also argue that all Kattegat fisheries should only operate with environmentally-friendly equipment. “The government’s … Read more

The unknown status of Atlantic blue sharks

Last week, Oceana attended an international meeting on blue sharks that was held in Tenerife, Spain, by ICCAT (the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas).  The meeting was the first of two for this year’s assessment of blue sharks in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea – the first ICCAT assessment that has … Read more

Six percent in six years

Earlier this week, the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Affairs hosted an important screening: the wrap-up documentary of the LIFE+ INDEMARES project. LIFE+ INDEMARES is a turning point in marine conservation in Spain, since it has allowed the country to propose ten new Sites of Community Importance (SCI), increasing the marine protected surface … Read more

European Parliament votes for a sustainable future for Baltic Sea fisheries.

Today, the Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament voted in Brussels on a multiannual management plan (MAP) for fisheries in the Baltic Sea, the first MAP under the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The plan addresses the long-term management of the major commercial stocks of cod, sprat and herring, and also provides measures for some … Read more