Campaign: Habitat Protection
Corals are animals or animal colonies that form complex structures on the seabed and are the basis of some of the world’s richest ecosystems. Corals have very slow growth (a few millimeters per year) and are an ecologically valuable habitat for many species. Calcareous create three-dimensional structures, which offers protection, food and breeding areas for many … Read more
Oceana launches expedition into unknown maltese depths
Oceana launches a two-month expedition to survey deep sea areas and underwater caves in Malta. The at-sea campaign, included within the LIFE Ba?AR for N2K project, will garner documentation on marine habitats and species so that new Sites of Community Importance can be protected under the Natura 2000 network. Many of these areas will be … Read more
Oceana: Overfishing main driver of extinction risk for European marine fishes
Sharks, commercial deep-sea species, groupers, and halibut among most threatened fishes Overfishing is the major threat to fish species in European seas, according to the European Red List of Marine Fishes released today by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and the European Commission, and carried out in collaboration with Oceana. Despite gradual … Read more
Ranger’s 2015 campaign in the Mediterranean Sea begins
Today the Ranger’s 2015 campaign in the Mediterranean Sea begins. It is a two-month campaign mapping the underwater world surrounding Malta in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. I’m sure there will be unexpected discoveries; amazing images and videos of marine life; laughter with the crew; and magical encounters with cetaceans at sea. However, this … Read more
States agree first ever fisheries management in international waters of the Mediterranean Sea
Milan – Today the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Sea (GFCM) closes the doors on its annual meeting. For the first time in its 60 year history, the Commission, composed of representatives from Mediterranean and Black Sea countries, has agreed to fisheries management measures aimed at recovering fish stocks in the region. Until now, … Read more
“Jurassic Park of sponges” discovered in the Mediterranean Sea
Spanish researchers have published[i] in PLoS ONE the discovery of a ‘rock’ sponge reef unique in the world. The structure, of which its kind was thought to have been extinct millions of years ago, was discovered at a depth of 760 metres surrounding the top of a small seamount between Valencia and Ibiza where drilling … Read more
Oceana and scientists call on Mediterranean states for a fisheries management plan in the Strait of Sicily
Oceana and over 50 scientists urge Mediterranean States to establish a management plan for demersal fisheries in the Strait of Sicily based on the best available scientific advice to ensure the recovery of overexploited stocks of hake and deep-water rose shrimp. The letter, signed by the scientists, will be disseminated at the 39th session of … Read more