Oceana launches a new interactive display for El Hierro seabeds

Oceana has collected hundreds of photos, videos and maps of its expedition in El Hierro waters to promote the creation of Spain’s first-ever marine National Park. Oceana has launched a new viewer with information and images from the depths of the island of El Hierro. All the material comes from the expedition carried out in … Read more

Oceana celebrates deep-sea trawling ban covering 4.9 million km2

This afternoon, after 4 years of on-and-off negotiations, the European Commission, European Parliament and Council of the EU have announced a final agreement on new regulation for deep-sea fisheries in the North-East Atlantic. In a preliminary reaction, and pending final details of the agreement, Oceana warmly welcomes this clear step forward in the management of … Read more

Viaje a las profundidades de El Hierro

La situación geográfica de El Hierro hace que en ella recalen especies migratorias como numerosos cetáceos, tortugas y tiburones. Pero, además, tiene características propias frente a otras islas del archipiélago canario. Sus aguas son más cálidas y atraen a especies como manos de muerto, ctenóforos, y gorgonia árbol naranja. Sin embargo, aún queda mucho por … Read more

Oceana backs Sweden’s move to protect the Kattegat

Oceana welcomes a proposal by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM), to permanently protect the debated fisheries closure in the Kattegat by upgrading its protection to a marine protected area (MPA). At a time of obvious tensions between Sweden, Denmark and the fishing industries, with increasing Danish pressure to reopen the previously … Read more

Species at Risk: Sea Turtles

Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) The green sea turtle is another important species in the Mediterranean. Along with the loggerhead turtle, green turtles are the ones most frequently found in bycatch or are involved in accidents with vessels. The IUCN classifies this species as “endangered” and it is included in the Habitats Directive, CMS and … Read more

Progress in marine protection hampered by rising sea pollution

On the occasion of World Oceans Day today, 8 June, Oceana warns of the detrimental impact rubbish dumping and waste pollution is having on the world’s oceans and marine wildlife. Such continued misuse of the world’s oceans as a dumping ground is hampering global conservation efforts to protect marine habitats and to restore depleted fish … Read more