Press Releases Archive - Page 90 of 105 - Oceana Europe

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Press Releases

April 12, 2011

Oceana applauds EU Commission steps to improve control and enforcement in fisheries

The effective enforcement of the new rules applied to the EU Fisheries Control regulation will encourage a culture of compliance, simplify the application of control rules and harmonize standards for…

April 7, 2011

Oceana claims that more than 50% of european fisheries should be closed down immediately to prevent their collapse

Threatened species include sharks, rays, deep-sea fish, cod, hake, anchovy and eels.The international organisation for the defence of the seas, Oceana, has carried out a study on the state of…

April 7, 2011

Oceana details some key points for the effective recovery of the anchovy

The international organisation is also proposing that sanctions are imposed on governments, such as the Spanish and French, which are unable to manage their fisheries properly.Oceana is asking France and…

April 6, 2011

Orange roughy, bioluminescent fish and other deep-sea species are now a commercial target due to the scarcity of traditional fisheries

Some populations of deep-sea fish should be regarded as “endangered”: substantial cutbacks in their catches may not be enough to protect them.From orange roughy more than 150 years old to…

April 6, 2011

The fishing grounds off the Iberian penninsula, the west of Ireland and the North Sea are those in the worst state

For decades, politicians have been ignoring scientific advice on preventing the collapse of the North-East Atlantic fisheries.Despite the numerous alarms raised by scientists for years, the quotas agreed by politicians…

April 6, 2011

Oceana calls upon the United Nations to eliminate subsidies to bottom trawling fleets

Oceana, the leading international organisation dedicated exclusively to the protection and recovery of the seas, is participating on 26 and 27 April in a meeting of experts in Geneva on…

March 31, 2011

Oceana proposal protects 15% of Canary Islands’ marine area

Oceana has filmed previously unexplored areas in the archipelago, at depths reaching 700 metres, with support from the Fundación Biodiversidad. Oceana, the international marine conservation organisation, today presented a proposal…

March 29, 2011

Oceana urges Portugal to expand the Natura 2000 Network to protect its seamounts

In 2005, Oceana was the first organisation to photograph and take video footage of the Gorringe Bank seamounts, southeast of Cape St. Vincent, identifying 36 species that had never been…

March 16, 2011

Oceana blasts EU decision to extend use of mercury in chlor-alkali plants until 2020

Oceana staunchly opposes the conclusions of the March 14 EU Council meeting, allowing Member States to delay the conversion of chlor-alkali plants until 2020 despite the fact that the Integrated…

March 14, 2011

Oceana bemoans lack of ambition in EU’s 2050 energy roadmap; calls for immediate binding energy efficient targets

Oceana, the international marine conservation organization, bemoans the lack of ambition in the EU´s Energy Efficiency Action Plan presented last week by the European Commission. The plan only considers setting…