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Press Releases
April 30, 2012
Oceana brings MedNET proposal to Albania
Oceana last week presented MedNet, a proposal for a network of 100 marine protected areas in the Mediterranean, to the scientific community at the International Conference on Marine and Coastal…
April 27, 2012
Oceana, the largest international marine conservation organization, and the city of Helsingborg, Sweden, joined forces in order to enhance the protection of the sensitive benthic habitats in the northern part…
April 26, 2012
Study shows fisheries council irresponsilility led to collapse of North Sea cod
On the eve of the Fisheries Council discussions in Luxembourg, Oceana draws attention to a new paper [1] co-authored by fisheries scientist Dr. Rainer Froese and resource economist Martin Quaas,…
April 25, 2012
EU moves one step closer to a complete ban on shark finning
Oceana commends the European Parliamentary Committee on Environment, Public Health, and Food Safety, for voting today in favour of a strict European ban on shark finning. Although shark finning is…
April 24, 2012
Oceana expedition explores Baltic Sea and Kattagat to promote new marine protected areas
The Oceana-chartered research vessel Hanse Explorer yesterday set sail from Copenhagen on a two-month expedition, covering 7,000 miles through the waters of the nine countries bordering the Baltic Sea (Denmark,…
April 19, 2012
Oceana statement on taxation of energy products Parliament vote
Today, the European Parliament voted on their consultation to the Commission proposal on the taxation of energy products and electricity. In addition to official aid provided by the European Union…
April 12, 2012
Oceana today released a report on the disappointing state of the fisheries management in the Baltic Sea. The report exposes a number of unsustainable fishing practices, both legal and illegal,…
March 26, 2012
Oceana urges protection for ‘30 Mediterranean jewels’
Oceana this week presented “30 Mediterranean jewels”, a selection of some of the most ecologically valuable places that demand immediate action to be preserved. Currently, the protected areas in the…
March 22, 2012
Oceana blasts Danish government approval of destructive mussel dredging in marine protected area
Oceana is deeply disturbed by this decision, which is a clear step in the wrong direction for a government that has prided itself on its efforts to support sustainability. Mussel…
March 21, 2012
Actor Miguel Ángel Silvestre joins Oceana in warning over lack of EU fisheries management
Measures needed to ensure the responsible managements of stocks and the future of common species like crab, squid and conger eels. Oceana, with the support of actor Miguel Ángel Silvestre,…