Press Releases Archive - Page 8 of 105 - Oceana Europe

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Press Releases

October 27, 2022

Trawling is taking its toll on Spanish marine protected areas: fishing is nine times more intensive in these areas than in the rest of the sea

A new analysis carried out by Oceana has found that the level of destructive fishing in protected areas appears to be greater than previously estimated Having analysed apparent bottom trawling…

October 17, 2022

Some good news for overfished stocks in the Baltic Sea but could be too little too late

Baltic Sea EU member states choose to set some quotas at precautionary levels to safeguard depleted fish populations but fail to proactively protect declining herring and cod stocks in the…

Civil society, businesses and cities put pressure on the EU to choose reuse for the reduction of packaging, waste and pollution 

Break Free From Plastic campaign, #WeChooseReuse, delivers signatures to EC Vice President Frans Timmermans in the run up to the revision of the Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive  Brussels, Belgium…

September 26, 2022

The EU must do more to block illegal seafood products from the EU market

European Court of Auditors determines that there are effective EU rules in place to prevent illegal fishing and to stop illegally-caught seafood from ending up on European dinner plates. However,…

September 20, 2022

Spain fines fishing vessels for turning off mandatory location tracker, following Oceana analysis

As a result of data provided by Oceana, the Spanish government sanctioned two Spanish fishing vessels, Releixo and Egaluze, with a fine of 20.000 euros for turning off their automatic…

September 15, 2022

The impact of plastics on biodiversity is intensified in reefs and underwater forests, says Oceana report

Waste has a double impact on organisms such as molluscs, algae, sponges and corals, which form habitats on which hundreds of species depend  Most are legally protected because of their…

September 2, 2022

Grønne NGO’er: Ny aftale om emballage er bedre end frygtet, men uambitiøs

Miljøminister Lea Wermelin og et bredt flertal i Folketinget har netop indgået en politisk aftale, der betyder, at producenter af emballage fremover bliver ansvarlige for håndteringen af deres produkter, når…

September 1, 2022

Oceana Appoints Hugo Tagholm as New Leader in the United Kingdom

Oceana, the largest international advocacy organisation dedicated solely to ocean conservation, announced today it has appointed ocean campaigner Hugo Tagholm as Executive Director of its newly expanded policy campaigns in…

June 22, 2022

EU nature law could be gamechanger for marine biodiversity, but will be meaningless if fisheries not properly addressed – NGO reaction

Today, the European Commission presented its legislative proposal on nature restoration, a new law with binding targets to restore degraded land and marine ecosystems across the EU. This is a…

June 17, 2022

Oceana expedition to Alboran Sea uncovers underwater oasis and ‘wasteland’

Gathered data will also support advocacy efforts to ban bottom trawling in European Marine Protected AreasSingle-use plastics, abandoned fishing gear, and untreated waste most common pollutants found in seven-day expedition…