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Press Releases
July 11, 2012
Management plan for endangered baltic salmon riddled with loopholes that threaten the stock
Today, members of EU Parliament Fisheries Committee adopted the report by Marek Gróbarczyk (ECR, PL) to establish a multiannual plan for the Baltic salmon. Oceana is disappointed in the outcome…
July 9, 2012
Stocks in trouble according to disappointing world fisheries report card
Today, the FAO released its biennial report on the “State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture”. According to the report, 57% of evaluated stocks are fully exploited with no room…
July 4, 2012
New laws to protect Europe from oil spills must be toughened up, not watered down
Even with the Commission’s proposed regulation on offshore safety, the risks of oil or gas accidents in European waters would remain unacceptably high. The proposal needs strengthening, not watering down.Deepwater…
June 29, 2012
More than half of species in Cabrera National Park are not sufficiently protected
Oceana has warned that many species in the National Park are also present in neighbouring areas, where they are not protected, so it believes that its enlargement is necessary, as…
June 25, 2012
Oceana: RIO +20 fails to make real progress towards restoring oceans
Oceana finds the final Rio +20 declaration to be a weak statement of intent, with no legally binding commitment that fails to respond to the urgent conservation and management needs…
June 19, 2012
Deaths of seal pups discovered by Oceana in Finland linked to natural causes
An analysis showed that the animals died from blows against rocks and drowning during a storm. No sign of parasites, illnesses or human inflicted damage were found on the bodies.“We…
June 13, 2012
Oceana concludes second Baltic Sea Expedition
The expedition, which launched in April 2012, covered 4500 miles, carried out 112 ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) operations, 30 scuba dives and collected 41 samples and 20 CTD recordings.Findings will…
June 13, 2012
Council compromises on fisheries policy, delays all priority targets
The text, voted by a qualified majority, maintains the most important provisions of the original Commission proposal such as the objective to restore fish stocks at Maximum Sustainable Yield, but…
June 8, 2012
Danish presidency opts for status quo not sea of change
In an effort to achieve an agreement before the conclusion of the Danish Presidency, horse-trading to accommodate all member states has resulted in a significant weakening of the Commission’s reform…
June 7, 2012
Europe turns a blind eye to loss of most productive, profitable ecosystems
This World Oceans Day (June 8), Oceana sounds the alarm on the rapid retreat of European underwater forests from climate change and irresponsible human activities. Every year the loss of…