An on-board observer from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography reported this illegal activity but the General Secretariat of Maritime Fisheries has not taken any action in this respect. The international…
It has been only accepted a 10 % reduction in effort for deep sea stocks, despite Commission´s proposal of 20% and ICES advice for lowest possible TACS in order to…
Marine biologists and experts in fishing from the international organization, Oceana, which is dedicated to research into, and the protection of, the world’s oceans, meet in Brussels on 11th May…
At the start of the season when fleets based out of a variety of Italian ports use illegal spadara and ferratara, the Italian Coast Guard, assisted by aerial surveillance, intercepted…
The EU Ministers of Fishing have again blocked debate on the proposal for Fishing Regulation for the Mediterranean, proposed by the European Commission, which attempts to put an end to…
Last week, a team of Oceana investigators made a 2,000-km trip by car along the coastal roads of Southern Italy and Sicily. Over five days they made detailed reconnaissance visits…
The EU Council of Fisheries Ministers is to debate next week the management of Mediterranean fisheries.Oceana condemns the fact that the EU has spent tens of millions of Euros in…
The Galician businessman, Antonio Vidal, has been indicted by the US Administration for attempting to fraudulently enter into that country’s market some 25,000 kilos of fish protected by international conventions,…
Threatened species include sharks, rays, deep-sea fish, cod, hake, anchovy and eels. The international organisation for the defence of the seas, Oceana, has carried out a study on the state…
The detention by Norwegian patrols of two vessels flying Spanish flags, apprehended while catching Greenland halibut, has once again highlighted the wide-ranging practice of rogue fishing by companies that have…