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August 20, 2013

Shark trade limits endorsed by European Union

Brussels: The Shark Alliance is applauding today’s decision by European Union Member States to support Germany’s proposals to provide protection for spiny dogfish sharks (Squalus acanthias) and porbeagle sharks (Lamna…

August 20, 2013

Oceana states that 2007 quotas disregard once again scientific advice

Oceana, the international marine research and conservation organisation, believes that the high total allowable catches (TACs) and quotas for 2007 agreed at the Fisheries Council are disastrous, disregarding scientific advice…

August 20, 2013

Hundreds of tons of swordfish caught illegally by Morocco are sold in Spain

Despite the fact that driftnets have been banned in the Mediterranean for many years, a fleet of Moroccan fishing vessels continues to use this destructive fishing gear in the Alboran…

August 20, 2013

The italian government orders the confiscation of driftnets found aboard vessels at port

The Italian Legislative Department has recently backed the new “zero tolerance” policy recently announced by Paolo de Castro, the Italian Minister of Agriculture and Fishing, declaring it illegal for vessels…

August 20, 2013

Spain could be severely fined for selling immature fish

Fines levied against France for selling hake smaller than what is authorised add up to more than 100 million Euros The European Commission has pressed charges against the Spanish government…

August 20, 2013

Oceana warns the European Commission and member states that lack of action to conserve the depleted porbeagle shark could lead to its collapse

The international marine research and conservation organization, Oceana, is dissatisfied by the lack of any catch limit or management plan for the porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) in Council Regulation (EC)…

August 19, 2013

Bottom trawling is exhausting deep-sea species

Oceana fears that deep-sea shark populations are on the verge of collapse. Cod, hake and red bream are disappearing, while forkbeards, ling, golden-eye perch, orange roughy and tusk are gradually…

August 19, 2013

Oceana asserts that the General Secretariat of Maritime Fisheries is keeping quiet about a transfer of illegal fish on the high seas

An on-board observer from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography reported this illegal activity but the General Secretariat of Maritime Fisheries has not taken any action in this respect. The international…

August 19, 2013

Oceana describes as irresponsible the decision of the European Fisheries Ministers council on 2006 quotas

It has been only accepted a 10 % reduction in effort for deep sea stocks, despite Commission´s proposal of 20% and ICES advice for lowest possible TACS in order to…

August 19, 2013

Experts in fisheries management from Oceana get together in Brussels to discuss the effects of pirate fishing

Marine biologists and experts in fishing from the international organization, Oceana, which is dedicated to research into, and the protection of, the world’s oceans, meet in Brussels on 11th May…