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Press Releases
September 25, 2013
Environmental organizations: wavering commitments threaten the restoration of the Baltic Sea
Some progress has been made, but there is still a long way to go to restore the Baltic Sea. Over the past two days, government representatives met in Copenhagen, Denmark, to…
September 13, 2013
The EU delays the protection of mediterranean deep-sea corals
This delay goes against the position of many Mediterranean countries, which value the vulnerability of these species and their significance to marine ecosystems. This is a case similar to what…
September 9, 2013
Oceana celebrates a decade of work in Europe
This month, Oceana marks 10 years of working to restore Europe’s oceans to their former levels of abundance. The marine conservation began work in Europe at a time when the…
September 5, 2013
Environmental organizations: diverging Government views put the future of the Baltic Sea in jeopardy
Surprisingly, Sweden seems to be blocking any real progress, changing positions on a number of key issues. This week, representatives from the Baltic Sea countries met in Copenhagen to review…
September 2, 2013
Oceana to send evidence of illegal fishing in Cabrera to the EU
Oceana has documented the presence of these protected habitats in areas devastated by illegal fishing gears around Cabrera (Balearic Islands)Oceana will send to the EU evidence found of illegal fishing…
August 30, 2013
Oceana appeals to Berlusconi’s government to put a definitive end to driftnets
The two conservation organisations have criticised the Italian government’s support of an illegal fishing fleet and the fraudulent use of European subsidies. Oceana and Marevivo presented the report, “Italian drift…
August 29, 2013
Oceana discovers a new mediterranean habitat in a area threatened by oil exploration
The European Commission has asked Spain what environmental safeguards will be put in place in response to Cairn’s exploration project, which ignored valuable marine ecosystems in its impact assessment.Oceana has…
August 29, 2013
In 2007, Oceana identified more than 100 vessels using illegal driftnets.Oceana presented two reports in Brussels today: “Italian driftnets: the illegal fishing activities continue” and “Thonaille: the use of driftnets…
August 29, 2013
Oceana urges the European Commission to take urgent measures to eliminate discards fisheries
Discards constitute 8% of total weight of world captures or more than 7.3 million tonnes of fish thrown away at sea. More than 20% of fish is discarded in European…
August 29, 2013
Only 48 hours after the Oceana Ranger catamaran departed Valencia towards the Atlantic to begin its expedition in Galicia and the Cantabrian Sea, Oceana simultaneously begins a Mediterranean expedition in…