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Press Releases
April 13, 2022
Oceana launches campaign to promote refillable bottles and reduce single-use plastics
Oceana’s new international campaign #RefillAgain calls on leading beverage companies to offer refillable bottles for their clients and reduce single-use plastic What’s worse than single-use jeans? Single-use plastic bottles. American…
March 23, 2022
Insurer ends coverage for illegally fishing fleet in progressive step
Insurance company Hydor has ended its contract with a fleet of vessels that were discovered fishing illegally across the Atlantic by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). Without insurance, the fleet…
March 15, 2022
Ahead of the European Parliament’s public hearing on the implementation and future perspectives of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) tomorrow, NGOs are calling on EU institutions and Member States to…
March 8, 2022
Oceana Expands Campaigns in the United Kingdom
Oceana, the world’s largest ocean conservation organisation, is expanding its campaigns to protect and restore waters in the United Kingdom (UK).More than 90% of the world’s ocean productivity is under…
February 24, 2022
Oceana believes that the new Directive on Sustainable Corporate Governance, proposed by the European Commission, is not enough to identify, prevent and remedy the rampant environmental and human rights abuses…
February 22, 2022
As the EU celebrates the 30th anniversary of Natura 2000, NGOs highlight EU countries’ lax implementation of EU nature laws and permissiveness towards widespread destructive fishing, resulting in the conservation…
February 9, 2022
Brest, France — As heads of state come together for the One Ocean Summit in France, NGOs from across the United States, European Union, and Japan, are calling on their…
December 22, 2021
EU and UK set quotas that will continue overfishing of some much-loved fish
Yesterday the EU and the UK reached an agreement on 2022 fishing limits for shared fish populations in the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The fisheries agreement for 2022…
December 18, 2021
More than 150,000 Europeans call on EU to ban bottom-trawling to protect ocean and climate
A giant colourful pop-up book depicting the devastation caused by destructive bottom trawling – and how the marine environment thrives in its absence – was delivered to European Union (EU)…
December 16, 2021
Conservation charity Oceana says at the current rate of progress, it will take the Government until 2050 to ban the highly destructive fishing method The UK Government is about to issue over…