Nature Restoration Law on its way to Plenary - Oceana Europe

Nature Restoration Law on its way to Plenary

Press Release Date: June 27, 2023

Location: Brussels


Emily Fairless, Communications Officer | email: | tel.: +32 478 038 490

Today, 27 June, Members of the European Parliament’s Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) committee maintained their tied position on the Nature Restoration Law. The final vote on the report tied by 44-44 votes, resulting in the report not being formally adopted. 

The Nature Restoration Law is far from dead and buried, however, having been supported by Member States during their Council meeting last week. It will now be voted on by all MEPs in July’s plenary session in Strasbourg, where the European Parliament will have the opportunity to reach a new compromise that strengthens the report. The vote presents MEPs from across the political spectrum with their last chance before next year’s EU elections to demonstrate to voters that they are serious about securing food systems, tackling the joint climate and biodiversity loss crises, and protecting jobs, by supporting ambitious amendments that reflect the objectives of the EU Green Deal.  

Following the ENVI vote, Nicolas Fournier, Campaign Director for Marine Protection at Oceana in Europe, said: 

The Environment Committee vote confirms that the July plenary will be the legacy moment of this Parliament for the Nature Restoration Law. In the run-up to the 2024 EU elections, we call on all MEPs to rise above political games and support an ambitious Nature Restoration Law to uphold the science and to deliver on EU Green Deal promises to safeguard people, nature, and the ocean.” 

Tatiana Nuño, Senior Marine Policy Officer at Seas At Risk, said: 

The Nature Restoration Law is a cornerstone of EU efforts to rebuild healthy and resilient marine ecosystems, upon which the livelihoods of millions of people in Europe depend. We call on every MEP – including the more sensible members of the European People’s Party who refuse to cave to political threats and populist tropes – to show citizens that they are serious about fighting the climate crisis, protecting jobs and securing food systems by supporting the law in Plenary.”