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Press Releases
July 11, 2012
Management plan for endangered baltic salmon riddled with loopholes that threaten the stock
Today, members of EU Parliament Fisheries Committee adopted the report by Marek Gróbarczyk (ECR, PL) to establish a multiannual plan for the Baltic salmon. Oceana is disappointed in the outcome…
December 19, 2011
Oceana bemoans irresponsible 2012 fishing opportunities
Oceana is disappointed in the agreement reached today by European Fisheries Ministers concerning Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for the Atlantic European fleet. The approved fishing limits ignore 41% of scientific…
December 14, 2011
Oceana: EU Fisheries Ministers must set aside short term interests in catch limit decisions
Oceana is urging EU Fisheries Council Ministers to put aside short term interests in tomorrow’s meeting to establish 2012 catch limits for the main species targeted by Europe’s Atlantic fleet….
October 25, 2011
TACs for Western Baltic Cod and Western Baltic Herring are too high to stop overfishing of those species. Five other species for which scientists had given advice to maintain or…
September 28, 2011
Commission proposal on fishing opportunities moves towards precautionary approach
Catch increases proposed for cod, anglerfish, haddock and Norway lobster are unjustified . Yesterday the European Commission published its proposal for 2012 Fishing Opportunities for exclusive EU stocks in the…
September 16, 2011
Oceana supports large quota reductions for important Baltic stocks in 2012
Oceana remains troubled that the vast majority of Baltic fish species like seatrout, dab, brill, turbot and flounder remain largely unmanaged. Yesterday, the European Commission published their proposal for 2012…
December 15, 2010
Total stated catch reduction of around 5% is highly insufficient to rectify current levels of overexploiting – according to scientists only 11 stocks are not overfished.Yesterday night the EU Council…
December 13, 2010
The population status of many commercial species, including Atlantic cod and herring, is already alarming.Oceana, the international marine conservation organization, strongly urges the Council of Ministers not to water down…
November 30, 2010
EU approves unsustainable catch limits for deep-sea species
Oceana expresses dismay at the commercial exploitation of 22 other species without any management measures and using destructive fishing gear.Oceana believes that the Total Allowable Catches (TACs) approved by the…
November 12, 2010
Oceana declares European Commission proposal to reduce catch insufficient
Oceana calls on the Council of Ministers to correct these deficiencies and guarantee the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources.Oceana applauds the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) reduction the European Commission presented…