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Press Releases
July 19, 2021
Oceana urges UK and EU to end overfishing of critically low fish stocks in new agreement
Oceana is calling for an end to the overfishing of severely overexploited fish stocks in European waters as negotiations between the EU and UK start today under the Specialised Fisheries…
June 20, 2021
Overfishing rate back on the rise after a decade of recovery
Brussels. The rate of overfishing has increased in European waters, according to today’s report by the European Commission on the state of play of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Oceana…
May 28, 2021
EU must respond to Baltic Sea ecosystem and fisheries crash with urgent, radical measures
Responding to today’s publication of annual scientific advice for 2022 EU fishing limits in the Baltic Sea by ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea), a group of…
December 16, 2020
EU fisheries Council fails to ensure sustainable exploitation of fish stocks
Ministers set 35% of Atlantic fishing limits above sustainable levels Mediterranean fisheries further jeopardized by short-termism Today the 27 EU fisheries ministers reached an agreement on fishing opportunities for EU…
October 27, 2020
Oceana urges EU to finally deliver on its duty to stop overfishing
Today the European Commission published its proposal on 2021 fishing opportunities for over 23 stocks in the Atlantic and the North Sea. The proposal covers catch limits for stocks present…
October 22, 2020
EU and UK must ensure protection of deep-sea fish in Northeast Atlantic
Responding to the European Commission’s proposal for deep sea fishing limits for 2021-2022, published today [1], NGOs welcome the positive steps towards following scientific advice. However, the proposal does not…
October 20, 2020
Environmental NGOs this morning welcomed the decision of EU Fisheries Ministers to set Baltic fishing limits for 2021 in accordance with scientific advice for eight of ten fish populations in…
December 13, 2019
Oceana: EU’s last chance to fulfil the law and stop overfishing
On 16-17 December, the Agriculture and Fisheries Council of the EU (“Agrifish”) will decide on fishing limits in EU Atlantic waters and the North Sea for 2020. For the first…
October 15, 2019
Oceana: Fisheries ministers miss legal deadline to stop overfishing in the Baltic Sea
EU fisheries ministers agreed overnight Monday on the 2020 fishing limits for fish stocks in the Baltic Sea, including iconic cod and herring. Oceana criticises the Council for breaching the…
October 11, 2019
Oceana: Widespread engine power fraud calls for stronger cuts in fishing effort in the Mediterranean
Commission to stop the overfishing crisis of hake, mullet, shrimp and Norway lobsterOceana warns that the European Commission’s proposal on fishing opportunities for the Mediterranean and Black Sea falls short…