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Press Releases
March 8, 2016
Internationally pursued fishing poachers arrested in Spain
Spain – Yesterday, the Spanish Civil Guard raided the offices of the company Vidal Armadores according to local press. Based on the same source, agents of Interpol and Europol may…
November 3, 2015
One out of three fish served in Brussels is not what consumers pay for
DNA analysis conducted by Oceana shows widespread consumer deceit, including EU institutions’ canteens in which 38% of seafood tested was mislabeled Bluefin tuna, sole and cod are substituted by species…
October 1, 2015
European Commission Praised for Warning the Comoros and Taiwan, PoC on Illegal Fishing
BRUSSELS—The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), Oceana, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and WWF commended the European Commission today for issuing an official warning—known as a “yellow card”—to the Comoros and Taiwan,…
November 15, 2014
Oceana: ICCAT cannot ignore pirate fishing happening in its waters
Today, Oceana has called upon the 49 Contracting Parties to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) to examine and take action on activities related to illegal,…
November 14, 2014
SkyTruth, Oceana & Google Announce New Technology Initiative to Illuminate Global Fishing Activity
Today, SkyTruth, Oceana and Google announced Global Fishing Watch, a big data technology platform that leverages satellite data to create the first global view of commercial fishing. On November 14,…
September 19, 2014
High levels of seafood fraud revealed in Danish fishmongers
The marine conservation organization Oceana, the Danish newspaper Søndagsavisen and the TV program “Go’Aften Denmark” conducted a study revealing that 18% of cod sold in fishmongers is not actually cod,…
July 21, 2014
Oceana exposes illegal driftnet fisheries, while Italy denies it
Oceana observers, together with a cameraman from Reportime (Corriere della Sera), have gathered evidence of fishing boats using illegal driftnets in southern Italy’s port of Bagnara Calabra, as published today…
June 26, 2014
Oceana reveals illegal driftnet fishing in Morocco
Morocco officially phased out driftnets in 2010 with funding from the EU and US Oceana today revealed that the illegal use of driftnets to capture swordfish has returned to Tangiers, Morocco….
June 26, 2014
Oceana welcomes continued EU commitment to fight IUU fishing worldwide
Today, the European Commission added the Philippines and Papua New Guinea to the list of countries failing to tackle Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing (IUU). Both countries must now demonstrate…
June 26, 2014
Oceana says EU should act against true ‘walls of death’
Driftnet fishing for large pelagic species is banned due to high by-catch rates of endangered species.Today, the European Commission announced its proposal to ban all types of driftnets from operating…